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BREAKING: NYPD Cop Shot in Head, Suspect Detained After Massive Manhunt

21WIRE + RT | This latest cop killing comes less than 6 months after Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s double murder-suicide took two officers’ lives.

NYPD Caught Editing Wikipedia Page for Eric Garner Death

21WIRE + RT | Incredible. Can this really be called anything other than outright censorship?

‘Money, or Mob?’ Al Sharpton and The Art of the Shakedown

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Obama’s ‘advisor’ caught using threat of race mobs to pry money out of businesses and institutions.

YEAR IN REVIEW: 2014 Top Ten Conspiracies

Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton | The Year 2014 proved to be a banner year for unbelievable conspiracies.

Episode #64 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Military Media Complex’ with guests Tim Fox

SUNDAY WIRE | This Week: taking on Hollywood, our Dear Leader, and his social engineers.

‘#ICantBreathe’ Revenge Shooter Kills 2 NYPD Officers, Then Shoots Himself

21WIRE | Two NYPD Anti-Terror Officers gunned down by Eric Garner supporter today.

Agent Provocateurs at Berkeley Protests? They’ve Done it Before.

21WIRE | Revealing some of the most sophisticated incitement techniques used by undercover police during protests.

Palestine’s ‘#ICantBreathe’ Police Murder Could Spark Third Intifada

21WIRE + Egyptian Street | Both American and European liberal youth are free to join in at this point…

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