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Digitally Manipulated Humans and Medically Assisted Death – Set to Become a Flagship Policy of British NHS

Julian Rose | Every thinking individual must get to grips with this reality and link together in a united resistance to it.

INTERVIEW: Peter Ford on UK’s Back-to-Back Covid and Energy Debacles

TNT Radio | As they continue to blame the coronavirus and Putin for all their woes, will our politicians ever be held accountable for the mess they created?

This is What’s Going to Happen Next

Dr. Vernon Coleman | Events are unfolding at a rapid pace – time to take stock and make plans for surviving the coming upheaval.

Vernon Coleman: How Doctors and Nurses Betrayed Patients – and Themselves

Dr. Vernon Coleman | It is time now for the healing professions to make amends.

Vernon Coleman: ‘The Person Most Likely to Kill You is Your Doctor’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | ‘Maybe we shouldn’t worry too much – just give us open access to painkillers.’

Vernon Coleman: ‘Have You Been Put On A Death List?’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | An important message anyone over 60 and anyone, younger than that, who is mentally or physically disabled in any way.

Vernon Coleman: ‘The Biggest and Most Powerful Lie Doctors Tell’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | They refuse to debate the myth, because they know they will lose the debate.

Vernon Coleman: ‘The Death of Health Care in Britain’

Dr Vernon Coleman | Britain’s NHS is now collapsing, and the problem has been created by government.

NHS Dr Steve James: ‘I’d Sacrifice My job Over the Vaccine Mandate’

21WIRE + UnHerd | Medical professional are pushing back against the government’s brutal regime of blackmail and coercion.

UK Gov’t Want to Deploy Door-to-Door Covid Jab Teams to Hunt Down ‘The Unvaccinated’

21WIRE + Forensic | As the pandemic narrative rapidly disintegrated, UK government ministers are desperately looking for new ways to increase vaccine sales for their pharmaceutical overlords.

Vernon Coleman: Questioning the NHS ‘Vaccine Persuaders’

Dr Vernon Coleman | Are health officials pushing experimental products in order to meet government targets?

Christmas Tales: Santa Claus is More Real Than New Government COVID Claims

Patrick Henningsen | The government’s COVID crisis is one giant house of cards which has already collapsed, only media gatekeepers haven’t realised it yet.

How UK ‘Track and Trace’ Data from Restaurants is Being Harvested and Sold On

21WIRE | Through this corporate backdoor, aloof customers would have their personal data sold on to a myriad of corporate clients.

NHS Debacle: 1 Million Breast Cancer Screenings Missed Due to COVID Panic Policies

21WIRE | Thanks to government panic policies, one million women are now caught in a potentially deadly NHS backlog.

UKC News: Inside Britain’s Shadow State, Using COVID Crisis to ‘Reset’ Society

UKC News | Co-hosts Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Alex Thomson with the midweek round-up.

Trump-Boris Trade Deal: The Brexit Endgame is Becoming Clear

Patrick Henningsen | US-UK bilateral trade deal will make Britain an economic outpost for US transnational corporate interests.

#WannaCrypt – NSA Powered Bug Hits Global Targets

21WIRE + The Register | The WannaCrypt worm has wreaked havoc across the globe in less than 48 hours, holding many to bitcoin ransom.

Britannia Titanic – UK Surveillance State More Suited To Dictatorship Than A Democracy

GlobalResearch + Graham Vanbergen | When it comes to privacy and state surveillance, are we living in a ‘dictatorship’ rather than the democracy we think we are.

Cuts to UK healthcare might spell DEATH for the vulnerable class

Stuart J. Hooper + BBC + The Telegraph | Britain is happy to provide bailouts to failing banks, but is letting its citizens die by cutting funding to life and death healthcare services.

The Coming Altzheimer’s Bomb: Can Mental Healthcare Cope?

Andrew McKillop | The UK’s NHS is struggling with the unstoppable growth of Altzheimer’s disease victims, and the numbers are growing.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue