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The ‘Persian Spring’ – How the Libyan and Syrian Script Played Out in Iran

Gavin O’Reilly | Once again, Iran has become the away pitch for another color revolution.

Lendman: Hawkish John Bolton’s Anti-Trump Rage

Stephen Lendman | No amount of book sales will ever change Bolton’s prolific raging hawk status.

Bolton’s Exit: Does Adelson now need Trump more than Trump needs Adelson?

21WIRE | Is Bolton’s departure a signal that Trump is free from the policy dictates of the Israeli Lobby?

A Ray of Hope: John Bolton Fired as US National Security Advisor

21WIRE | Alas, 2019 has been a difficult year for the National Security Advisor: unable to start a new war or overthrow an elected government.

Trump-Boris Trade Deal: The Brexit Endgame is Becoming Clear

Patrick Henningsen | US-UK bilateral trade deal will make Britain an economic outpost for US transnational corporate interests.

US-Russia Arms Control (INF) Treaty Ends

Antiwar.com | The US will officially be out of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

Trump’s Propaganda Mill: State Department’s Recycled Lies About Iran

Stephen Lendman | Trump’s propaganda machine runs 24/7 – accusing its imperial adversaries of all sorts of things they had nothing to do with. This forms the jellow-like backbone of Washington’s wayward foreign policy.

Trump Finally Confirms: John Bolton is a Menace

21WIRE | President confirmed what so many had already suspected.

Tulsi’s ‘No More Regime Change Wars’ is Message That Corporate Media Doesn’t Want You to Hear

Philip Giraldi | Gabbard may be the only genuine antiwar candidate – who is electable – in the past fifty years.

US State Dept Defunds Twitter-Trolling ‘Iran Disinformation Project’

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | The state-sponsored, American taxpayer-funded troll project targeted individuals, including journalists, and organizations online.

IRAN: Seeing Through Washington’s Thin Game

Patrick Henningsen | What is really driving US-Iran tensions and is Washington over-stepping in its bid the retain control of Eurasia?

Iran: Power Politics Behind America’s March to War

Sheila Coombes | New proposals would effectively sidestep US sanctions on Iranian trade, and effectively sidelining the US dollar.

Tucker: How is Attacking Iran in America’s Interest?

21WIRE | Trump’s resident hawks are attempting to engineer a reckless war with Iran.

How Israel is Providing the Pretext to Trigger US-led War on Iran

21WIRE + Truth Dig | Q: Who is John Bolton really working for?

Bolton’s Deceptive ‘Intelligence’ Claims Push War Against Iran

Gareth Porter | Bolton is an old hand at using allegedly damning intelligence on Iran to advance a plan of aggressive U.S. war.

Cuban Diplomat: ‘There are no troops’ in Venezuela Despite Bolton’s Claims

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | The lies about what is really happening in Venezuela continue to pile up.

REPORT: US-Backed Hybrid War on Venezuela Enters ‘Hot Phase’

SouthFront | It appears that Guaido and his supporters will be not able to seize power without direct foreign support.

Maduro: ‘Bolton Planning for My Assassination, With Help from Bogota’

21WIRE | Based on even more recent events, Venezuelan president Nicholas Maduro is understandably worried for his own personal safety as well as the future of his country.

Foreign Policy: ‘The Good, Bad, & The Ugly’ of Trump’s UN Speech

21WIRE + Liberty Report | There wasn’t much ‘good’ in store for Yemen, Iran, et al in President Trump’s UNGA speech.

Iranian Foreign Minister Says US Attempting ‘Repeat’ Coup, Predicts Failure

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | An interesting twist to this story on the 65th anniversary of the 1953 CIA coup against Iran.

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