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Report: Hunter Biden Sought $2M in Libya Deal in 2015

New revelations show that while his father was Vice President, Hunter Biden was pitching his lobbyist services to unfreeze Libyan assets. This latest ‘pay to play’ bombshell was revealed in a series of new emails between Democratic donors which emerged this week. Also, the emails showed how business partners were concerned over the young Biden drug abuse record and nonexistent professional skills. Fortunately for them, they didn’t hire the Vice President’s son. 

Hunter Biden asked potential clients to first pay a $2 million retainer up front, and then a 5% commission of whatever money could be ‘unfrozen.’ In total, there were $30 billion in Libyan assets under President Obama.

It would’ve been a nice payday for Biden & Sons Inc. Watch: 

READ MORE HUNTER BIDEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hunter Biden Files




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