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Ex-Marine Exposes Washington’s Covert Political Meddling in Asia

21WIRE | One of the best pundits exposing Washington’s regime change road show.

EP #1 – 21WIRE LIVE hosted by Patrick Henningsen with special guest Brian Berletic

21WIRE LIVE | Inaugural episode of our new livestreaming program.

Inside China’s High-Speed Rail Project Bound for Southeast Asia

Tony Cartalucci | A ‘game changer’ for Beijing’s ambitious One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative.

US-backed Opposition in Thailand Exposed After Recent Bombings

Tony Cartalucci | The growing relationship with China and Russia significantly blunts US influence in both Thailand and the wider region.

US Puppet Solicits Help to Make Thailand More Like America

Tony Cartalucci | The current government in Thailand is in the process of pivoting away from America’s own “pivot to Asia.”

UNHCR Are Abandoning Palestinian Refugees In Thailand

Robert Inlakesh | Refugees twice over, Palestinians in Thailand are in a state of panic, as they fear unjust arrest at the hands of Thai Authorities and possible indefinite detainment.

THAILAND: ‘Land of Smiles’ – an Outsider’s Inside View

Andre Vltchek | Savage capitalism is not the only economic system now on offer.

Pepe Escobar: What’s Behind Thailand’s Coup and Declaration of Martial Law

21WIRE + RT | Washington DC have stopped short of calling them coup de tats, but what else can you call them?


Andrew McKillop | Treating food and energy together is more productive than treating them apart, making it urgent these two themes are given the same political acknowledgement and treatment.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue