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Former French President Sarkozy Back in Court for Illegal Campaign Financing From Libya

21WIRE | Former French President Sarkozy indicted for misappropriation of public funds, passive corruption, illegal campaign financing, and criminal conspiracy.

Who is Susan Rice?

21WIRE | This is why Biden’s choice of VP running mate is so crucial.

Marco Rubio Sends ‘Bloody Gaddafi’ Tweet, ‘High on Imperialism’ and Still on Twitter

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | ‘Little Marco’ Rubio is running around like a cowboy threatening people in Venezuela.

‘Masked Men’ Vigilantes Fighting Crime in ‘Failed Libyan State’

Middle East Eye | Volunteers in Zuwara in Libya’s far west have been fighting crime in the city for five years to fill the post-revolution power vacuum.

THE ISIS HOOK: Libya’s Growing Crisis Primed for Hostile ‘Regime Change’ Again

Randy Johnson | Libya’s Instability has only grown since NATO’s Western-backed intervention in 2011.

NATO’s FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY: Gaddafi Son Tortured By New Libyan ‘Courts’

21WIRE + RT | Welcome to ‘liberated’ Libya, where the lunatics run the asylum.

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