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FOR THE RECORD: Obama sat on General Petraeus Affair – That’s Treason.

21st Century Wire Says: The General Petraeus Affair could come back to bite Obama badly. The White House knew about it, covered it up, all in order to secure an election victory. That’s a shrewd risk on the part of the White House. Power it seems, trumps the general welfare for some. General Petraeus and […]

So, How Many Syrian Terrorists Come from Libya?

Blacklisted News | The big secret: the Syrian ‘opposition’ is largely comprised of Al Qaeda terrorists, with many coming directly from Libya.

AMERICAN BEAUTY: Petraeus Affair Used to Cloud Obama’s Benghazigate

Patrick Henningsen | The former CIA head won’t be testifying in the upcoming Congressional hearings on Obama’s cock-up in Benghazi. Very convenient.

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