Bruno Guigue | An open letter condemning President Hollande for his part in the Nice terror attacks
‘France is at War’: Hollande Unleashes EXTREME Police State After Paris Attacks
21WIRE | The French government seeks order from chaos.
Putin: ‘ISIS Financing Comes From G20 Member Nations’
21WIRE | Putin points out the disturbing source of the world’s ISIS problem.
SHOCKER: Hollande says ISIS is France’s Enemy, NOT Assad!
21WIRE | This comes after years of open support for terrorists seeking to overthrow Assad.
France FUNDED Syrian Rebels, AKA Radical ISIS Terrorists, To Overthrow Assad
21WIRE | Bottom line: France has been funding terrorism in Syria since at least 2012.
Magic Passports Redux: Syrian Passport Allegedly Discovered on Suicide Bomber
21WIRE | An incriminating passport was allegedly found on the streets – just like on 9/11.
Terror Attacks Hit Paris: 60 Dead, 100 Taken Hostage, Hollande Closes All Borders
21WIRE | Absolute chaos has struck Paris, and it is going to have very bad consequences.
‘Russian Fifth Column Panics Over Putin’s Triumph With Minsk Agreement’
Fort Russ | Putin made Ukraine’s fascist oligarch Poroshenko look stupid in Minsk this week.
‘All of them are wonderful in their own ways’
Whatever it is I’m Against it | From Hollande’s mistresses to Monica’s dry cleaning exploits – it’s hard to get the stain out of politics.
Sacré bleu! French Outrage Over NSA Phone Tapping, John Kerry Confused and Upset
21st Century Wire | As they counted the coming cruise missile profits together, everything couldn’t have been more perfect, until the NSA peered in.