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US Claim Risk of ‘Massive ISIS Jailbreak’ – If Turkish-backed Offensive Continues in North Syria

The Cradle | “This is the closest thing we have to a ticking time bomb.”

INTERVIEW: ‘Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran Unite to Refuse a Kurdish State in Syria’

Steven Sahiounie | Despite US attempts to divide them, both countries still share the same interest in securing their border and the elimination of terrorist and separatist groups.

INTERVIEW: Dr Can Erimtan – ‘Turkey’s Tango with NATO & Sweden’

TNT Radio | Turkey and Erdogan’s tricky tango for Sweden’s controversial NATO membership bid.

INTERVIEW: Dr Can Erimtan – Election: Erdogan’s ‘New Turkey’ Islamic Transition

TNT Radio | Turkish President Erdogan is holding on to power – effectively shoring-up his ‘New Turkey’ Islamic State project.

Turkey’s Election Re-Run: Back to the Future Redux

Dr. Can Erimtan | A landmark election which sets ‘New Turkey’ firmly on its post-Kemalist path to an Islamic state.

Another Beyoğlu Blast: Getting Ready for Turkey’s 2023 Election Season

Dr. Can Erimtan | Once again, it’s about convincing the Turkish electorate to vote for stability over insecurity.

Turkey Drops Its Objection to Sweden and Finland’s NATO Membership

21WIRE | What did the western powers do to twist Turkey’s arm to reverse its position?

As Turkey Struggles, The Sultan is Up to His Old Tricks

Arnaud Devaley | An unstable Turkey is a dangerous Turkey. Ditto for its stumbling leader.

Erdogan Angers Biden Over NATO Drive to Absorb Sweden and Finland

Steven Sahiounie | It’s becoming clear that the West are hesitant to let go of their Kurdish ‘freedom fighters’.

Sweden and Finland on the Rocks: Turkey Reveals Its List of Demands to NATO

21WIRE | NATO nations will have to work hard to twist Turkey’s arm on this one.

Cynical US Policy on Syria Revealed: Block the Russians and Iranians, Destroy the Economy, to Hell with the People

Peter Ford | Jeffreys made no bones about it: it was never about ending the Syrian conflict – it’s about prolonging it.

REPORT: US Military Attack Syria Army Checkpoint

21WIRE | US attack came after happened after their patrol was prevented from passing through a Syrian Army checkpoint.

This is Genocide: The U.S. Senate’s Armenian Gambit vis-à-vis Turkey

Dr Can Erimtan | US-Turkey relations may be devolving into tit-for-tat recriminations – against a backdrop of an ever widening trans-Atlantic rift.

Reports: Russian Military to Form New Group to Replace SDF in Northern Syria

21WIRE + AMN | Moscow and Damascus hoping to capitalize on their gains of late, retraining and managing disparate Kurdish forces formerly under US command.

NATO’s Terrorist Army: Hundreds of Jaysh Al-Izza Defectors Join Turkish-Backed Forces

21WIRE + South Front | Terrorist factions continue to join NATO’s ranks, as Erdogan tries to sustain his violent proxy war in Syria.

NEW REPORT: Evidence of Turkey’s War Crimes in Syria and ISIS Members Within its Ranks

Khaled Iskef | Available evidence suggests NATO member Turkey has committed war crimes in Syria, and is employing known terrorists under the banner of its armed forces.

Turks, Kurds, Armenians & Americans: Genocide Denial as the Turkish Republic’s Raison d’être

Dr. Can Erimtan | Denial of an Armenian genocide has become a crucial political calculation in Erdogan’s New Turkey.

Esper: ‘US Military Withdrawal from Kobane Will Take Another Week’

21WIRE + AMN | More delays were announced, leading skeptics to raise the question of whether the US is attempting to create events on the ground.

Syrian Army Secure Oil Field Near Northeastern Border with Turkey

Syria News | Unfortunately for the Kurdish militants, the US will not be underwriting their separatist dream for much longer.

SDF Use Russian ‘METIS’ Anti-Tank System to Destroy New Turkish Military Cannon

Khaled Iskef | Turkey’s military now sustaining losses of heavy assets on the field of battle in Syria.

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