21WIRE | Fleeing the madness: the number of wealthy Americans buying “golden passports” has skyrocketed over the past three years.
The spread of the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease around the world has triggered reactionary government policies which have seriously impacted numerous countries, societies, and economies, as well as shutting down most religious, cultural and sporting events. Learn more about this epidemic and see a number of serious challenges to the official narrative here...
Plan B? Wealthy Americans Buying Second Passports to Escape Covid Madness, Political Mobs
A Few Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book
Jeffrey Tucker | We hate to break it to you, but this is not about helping sick people to get well. It never was.
‘Are We Being Hypnotized, And Do We Like It?’ – Mattias Desmet on Covid and War Hysteria
Pandemic Perspectives | What is it about human beings that makes us so willing to submit to a collective ‘mass formation’ psychosis?
INTERVIEW: Chris Lonsdale on Public Fallout from the ‘Global Pandemic’
TNT Radio | Government officials, judiciaries, and pharmaceutical companies – are now scrambling to evade the inevitable fallout from the international reaction to Covid-19 and the unprecedented vaccine mandate policies.
UKRAINE: Hysterical Western Reaction, Retaliation – May Lead to Wider War
Peter Ford | It’s the same hysterical reaction by the usual suspects, and with potentially disastrous consequences.
Pfizer and Moderna Investors Are Running for the Exits
Desert Review | Many top investors are not going with the conventional wisdom, but doing their own research instead.
Bill Gates is Ready to Capitalize on ‘The Next Pandemic’
21WIRE | To keep the game going, Gates has reemerged from the shadows this week, preparing the public for ‘the next pandemic.’
Get Ready for It: The Return of AIDS (and a new vaccine)
21WIRE + Karen Hunt | There’s a ‘super-mutant’ HIV strain lurking and an HIV vaccine in trials. Why is this happening now?
RIP Luc Montagnier: “I’m outraged by the fact, that we want to vaccinate children…”
21WIRE | Luc was still a free thinker in the end.
Emmanuel Project: Truth About Bioweapons and the Myth of Man-made Pathogens
Emmanuel Project | A masterclass in the many mythological assumptions surrounding virology and official bioweapons narratives.
Vernon Coleman on COVID and Climate: ‘The Really BIG Fraud is Only Just Beginning’
21WIRE | The globalist managerial class and ‘green’ opportunists are preparing their big push.
End the Madness: ‘It’s Time for a Government Shutdown Fight Over COVID Measures’
Daniel Horowitz | If Republicans fail to take this fight to the brink, then they don’t deserve to be in the majority.
Time to Drop COVID Restrictions – Forever
21WIRE | Why most people are well past their breaking point when it comes to senseless government and corporate mandates.
Denmark is First EU Country to Scrap All COVID Restrictions
21WIRE | Some EU countries are leading the way in putting the entire ‘pandemic’ nightmare behind them.
Ivy League Parents Fight Back Against College Vaccine Booster Mandates
21WIRE | Ivy League parents stand-up to authoritarian colleges seeking to impose the experimental vaccine booster shot on students.
Episode #404 – ‘COVID World Roadshow’ with special guests
SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
European Regulator: Too Many Boosters Can Damage the Immune System
21WIRE | Go figure…
Djokovic Wins Freedom – A Crushing Blow to Australian Regime
21WIRE | Serbian star wins court battle, but a vindictive regime are still threatening to ban him from the country.
New Peer Reviewed Evidence Shows Covid School Closures Harm Children
21WIRE + BMJ | The evidence is in, but will pro-lockdown technocrats let go of their dangerous new tool of social control?