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The spread of the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease around the world has triggered reactionary government policies which have seriously impacted numerous countries, societies, and economies, as well as shutting down most religious, cultural and sporting events. Learn more about this epidemic and see a number of serious challenges to the official narrative here...


Australia: Regulator Waves Through Experimental Injections for Children 5-11 yrs old

Vaccine Choice Australia | Advocacy group believes that based on the available data, this experimental vaccine should never be approved for children aged 5-11.

INTERVIEW: Patrick Henningsen talks with guest Dr Vernon Coleman

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | The latest in the endless Vaudeville theatre that is the ‘global pandemic’.

High Hypocrisy: How Democrats Flip-Flopped on Vaccine Safety

21WIRE + El Gato Malo | This is the opposite of civilization. It’s barbarism and dictatorial fiat run riot.


H-Rez & Jimmy Levy | More artists are coming awake to the authoritarianism threatening basic freedoms.

Ignore the Latest ‘Variant’ Nonsense – Stay Focused on Dangers of COVID Shots

Childrens Health Defense | Astute observers should be working to head off this worn-out party trick, and keep their eyes on the real dangers of the experimental injection – instead of invented “variants” and “cases.”

African Journalist: ‘Biden’s Omicron African Travel Ban is Built on a Lie’

21WIRE | African media challenge White House press secretary Jen Psaki over dubious Omicron claims.

Oregon is Now Pushing for Permanent Mask Mandate

21WIRE + The Blaze | Democrat leaders continue to overplay their draconian hand on all things Covid.

Fauci: Father of Cancel Culture

21WIRE | The story of Big Pharma’s own personal gatekeeper – embedded in the most powerful medical and science position in the US federal government structure.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra: Report Finds Dramatic Increase of Heart Inflammation Linked to Jabs

21WIRE | A brave doctor raises the alarm – on some serious medical findings which should concern everyone.

OMICRON INVASION: Are You a Survivor?

21WIRE | It was only a matter of time before this super-mutant would make landfall. 

Revealed: Vaccine Induced Cellular Ageing

Dr Mike Williams | The signs are worrying: mechanisms are now being discovered which could help explain the increasingly problematic results of the Covid-19 mass-vaccination campaign.

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: ‘These Vaccines Were Designed to Fail’

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi | How much of the official story is true, and how much is merely corporate hype and official misinformation?

Episode #397 – ‘Game of Variants’ with guests Dr Vernon Coleman, Phil Zimmerman

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Neil Oliver: ‘I don’t believe the people of Great Britain will tolerate mandated vaccines’

GB News | As western governments continue pushing a decidedly fascist agenda on their populations, even mainline pundits are now asking whether we actually live in a democracy anymore.

An Open Letter to All ‘Good Germans’

Alison Blunt | Those who ‘just followed orders’ and ‘rules’ in order to keep their careers and societal standings are causing and continue to cause unimaginable and needless suffering in the world.

Dr Tom Cowan: ‘We’re in a Pandemic of Not Thinking’

Dr Sam Bailey | A fascinating interview covering a range of issues with Dr. Tom Cowan.

Prof. Mattias Desmet on Why People Willingly Give Up Their Freedoms

21WIRE | Belgian professor cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape and how we might prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms.

Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘This is the Moment the Jabbing Has to Stop’

Dr Vernon Coleman | Why aren’t governments taking this issue seriously?

INTERVIEW: The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Corbett Report | Understanding how the the Pharma-Fauci-Gates axis hijacked global public health policy.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘What’s Up With The Great Reset?’ (2021)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The road to global totalitarianism has been laid before our feet.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue