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INTERVIEW: Phil Zimmerman – ‘The Life of an Oppressed Comedian!’

TNT Radio | Is cancel culture killing comedy?

Comedian Jim Breuer – ‘Somebody Had to Say It’

21WIRE | Calling out the ridiculousness of the pandemic and vaccine mass hysteria.

REVIEW – Phil Zimmerman in “Killing Granny”

Basil Valentine | Beware: this year’s pick of the Fringe is as shocking as it is hilarious.

Time to Drop COVID Restrictions – Forever

21WIRE | Why most people are well past their breaking point when it comes to senseless government and corporate mandates.

Dr. Fauci Launches the Great Omicroin Declaration!

21WIRE | Some likely suspects announce the launch of a new cryptocurrency.

The Art of Double Denial

JP Sears | Remember: everything is for your protection.

OMICRON INVASION: Are You a Survivor?

21WIRE | It was only a matter of time before this super-mutant would make landfall. 

‘Progressive Couple Thrilled With Latest Mandates’

Babylon Bee | Will Joe’s never-ending list of mandates stop the spread or will it leave you trapped in The Matrix?

American Identifies as Mexican to Avoid Biden Vaccine Mandate

Tyler Fischer | Turns out the solution is easier than you thought.

Searching for That Halloween Costume That Doesn’t Offend Anyone

Babylon Bee | One wrong move could literally haunt you for life. 

Time Machine: ‘Vaccine Mandates in a Year From Now’

Tyler Fischer | One interrogative that’s fast becoming redundant: ‘Why, they wouldn’t do that, would they?’

New Video: ‘FBI Busts FBI Terror Plot’

21WIRE + Babylon Bee | Fighting the scourge ‘domestic terror’ can be a tricky business, especially for the FBI. 

The Poetry of Joe Biden

21WIRE | Everyone knows, no one can turn a phrase like Joe.

VIDEO: ‘Censored! Things You’re NOT Allowed To Say Anymore’

JoyCamp | It is important that western audiences are fully compliant with politically correct lexicon. Here is a useful video guide to help you remain street legal.

George Carlin on The Language of Politics

National Press Club | An essential translation guide for political-speak.

Thanksgiving Day Fake News Turkey Shoot: Boiler Room – Special Holiday Event

Alternate Current Radio | Special Thanksgiving Day Fake News Turkey Shoot and Parade Coverage featuring: Hesher, Spore, Patrick Henningsen, Fvnk$oul, Infidel Pharaoh, Andy Nowicki and Randy J.

Paparazzi & Propaganda: Infamous Paparazzo Legend Charlie Pycraft Tells All -JaysAnalysis (Half)

Jay Dyer | With both wild and entertaining stories, Mr. Pycraft shares his unique insights on fake and staged news, PR manufactured events, psychological operations, the UK hack and crack scandal and more.

(VIDEO) George Carlin and Bill Hicks: ‘Is this real – or is it a ride?’

Brasscheck TV | Ask yourself that ultimate metaphysical question…

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue