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US-Backed Ukrainian Outlet Releases New ‘Enemies List’ Including Ron Paul, 21WIRE, Hundreds More…

Daniel McAdams | Why is the Biden Administration using U.S. public funds to pay a Ukrainian ‘think tank’ to dox and target American journalists and politicians?

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Cults: The CIA’s Secret Weapon’ (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | A stunning tale of CIA subterfuge and backing radicals in Ukraine.

Expensive Psy-Op: U.S. Finds Another $44 Billion for Ukraine

System Update | In order to get the public to acquiesce and fund their proxy war, the US government first needs to run propaganda and censorship ops on their own people.

UKRAINE: The Syria Playbook Redux

Peter Ford | The real danger: in this atmosphere of hysteria, the most far-fetched claims can be made without a shred of media scrutiny.

Virtue Signalling: The New Plague Has Arrived

Dr Vernon Coleman | Beware of the real plague, one which could destroy us all in the end.

UKRAINE: Hysterical Western Reaction, Retaliation – May Lead to Wider War

Peter Ford | It’s the same hysterical reaction by the usual suspects, and with potentially disastrous consequences.

Nonexistent US ‘Secret Intelligence’ on Alleged Russian Invasion

21WIRE | Incessant western alarm bells are part of a bigger information warfare campaign designed to mislead the public.

A Brief History of Broadcast Panics

Fascinating Horror | Understanding how public panic can easily be caused by a work of fiction.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Secrets of War: Psychological Warfare’ (1997)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. 

UKC News: COVID Lockdown ‘Stop Light’ System, Evidence of Gov’t Using MSM for PsyOps

UKC News | Co-hosts Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott bringing you the latest Coronavirus updates.

MEDIA TRIPWIRE? Ping Pong Pizza Conspiracy Propels Internet Censorship Amid ‘Fake News’ Witch-Hunt

Shawn Helton | Contextualizing how a pizzeria conspiracy became a battle cry for internet censorship.

Lafayette Shooting: Echoes of Theatrical Mass-Killings & Emergency Drills

Shawn Helton | What’s behind the Acadian Ambulance connection and the event in Lafayette?

‘Diamonds Are Forever’ (1971) – Esoteric Film Analysis

Jay Dyer | Where alchemy and techne combine to reveal the Pentagon’s darkest future tech.

Numbered Man – An Analysis of The Prisoner (1967)

Jay Dyer | While The Prisoner is a treatise against the collective, it is also a warning to unfettered, meaningless individualism.

Jade Helm: The Psy Op

Jay Dyer | With so much hype being spun around ‘JADE HELM’, the alternative media may have been willfully duped.

Ukraine: NATO’s Russian Tank Invasion Psyop

Stuart J. Hooper | A psychological operation has taken place over the past week that once again looked to paint Russia as the enemy.

CIA Vaccine Plot In Pakistan Reveals A History Of Abuse

Shawn Helton | Was this just another disingenuous program operated by US intelligence, one that operated with impunity and one that has recklessly caused harm to many unknowing victims?

War Inc: Inside the Pentagon’s Psychological Operation to Suck the Masses into Their War Machine

Alexander Higgins | Curious how the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history will be taught to future generations?

Norway Hate Attacks Make Anti-Islam Taboo Cause as Labor Surges

Bloomberg | The Breivik terror story is too outlandish to be believed already – a pure false flag, but by who?

BREIVIK: Norway Massacre Catalyst For Realignment Of Europe’s Right Wing Movements

Patrick Henningsen | Norway rampage is a recipe for civil unrest in Europe, with right-wing activists being pitted against their left-wing counterparts.

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