21WIRE | The same oil script being trotted out again, by the usual suspects.
FDA to Authorize New COVID Booster for Omicron – But No Human Trials, Only Mice
More Jabs: Pfizer to Launch New Vaccine for Alleged ‘Omicron Subvariant’
21WIRE | ‘Public health’ is the least of their concern.
Bill Gates is Ready to Capitalize on ‘The Next Pandemic’
21WIRE | To keep the game going, Gates has reemerged from the shadows this week, preparing the public for ‘the next pandemic.’
Biden to Deploy ‘Military Medical Teams’ in 6 States to Fight the Alleged ‘Omicron Threat’
21WIRE | As the official Covid narrative unravels, the Administration is desperate to give the impression that the country is still in a ‘state of emergency.’
Dr. Fauci Launches the Great Omicroin Declaration!
21WIRE | Some likely suspects announce the launch of a new cryptocurrency.
NYC Elite Private Schools Go Full Bio-Fascist to Stop Alleged ‘Omicron Threat’
21WIRE | New York’s wealthy families are leading the charge in demanding full bio-fascist policies in private schools.
Shocking: 7 Alarming Omicron Symptoms
Babylon Bee | Stay vigilant – experts say ‘it’s like no other virus we’ve ever seen.’
NFL: ‘Asymptomatic Players Aren’t Transmitting Virus Even If They Test Positive’
21WIRE + ESPN | The league is threatening to upend the official narrative on two crucial points: the myth of the asymptomatic spread and the widely misused PCR Test.
CONFIRMED: UK Gov’t Already Planning for FOURTH Covid Jab in New Year
21WIRE | The governments are now revealing their true objective: endless boosters for an endless pandemic.
Crowds at UK Parliament Chant ‘Arrest Boris Johnson!’
21WIRE | Executives at Pfizer and AstraZeneca are hoping Johnson can bring home another win
Unelected EU Boss Ursula Ignores Nuremberg Code in Favor of Vaccine Mandates
21WIRE | Despite numerous “fact-checker” claims, the forced vaccine mandate is a direct violation of the Nuremberg Codes.
INTERVIEW: Patrick Henningsen talks with guest Dr Vernon Coleman
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | The latest in the endless Vaudeville theatre that is the ‘global pandemic’.
Ignore the Latest ‘Variant’ Nonsense – Stay Focused on Dangers of COVID Shots
Childrens Health Defense | Astute observers should be working to head off this worn-out party trick, and keep their eyes on the real dangers of the experimental injection – instead of invented “variants” and “cases.”
African Journalist: ‘Biden’s Omicron African Travel Ban is Built on a Lie’
21WIRE | African media challenge White House press secretary Jen Psaki over dubious Omicron claims.
UKC News: The Omicron Invasion – Just in Time for ‘Booster Season’
UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen for the end of week news round-up.
White House Using ‘Omicron’ as Excuse for Stricter Covid Testing of Travelers
21WIRE + Free Thought Project | Once again, government officials are claiming that more rules will somehow ‘stop the spread’ of an as yet unproven ‘deadly new variant.’
OMICRON INVASION: Are You a Survivor?
21WIRE | It was only a matter of time before this super-mutant would make landfall.