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Moscow Lodges Formal Complaint with Vatican Over Pope’s Comments

21WIRE | Recent off-handed comments by the Pontiff about Russia’s ethnic minorities were a dubious ‘insinuation’.

Full Interview: Archbishop Viganò Warns Against Vaccine Mandates and ‘New World Order’

21WIRE | American journalist Robert Moynihan discusses the New World Order agenda with the Vatican’s most outspoken critic.

Vaccine Mandate: Archbishop Viganò Asks Catholics to Take ‘Cancelled Priests’ Into Their Homes

21WIRE | “This constitutes an unprecedented betrayal of the divine mission of the Church of Christ.”

Papal Encyclical “Laudato Si”: A Brand New Sustainable Testament

Branko Malić I Famous “environmental” encyclical by Pope Francis still rises controversy. We present an analysis of an entire document.

VATICAN DECREE: Pope Francis Delivers ‘Global’ Message to America

21WIRE + No More Fake News | What’s behind Pope Francis’s recent visit to America?

Episode #103 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Agenda 2030 and the Syrian Headbanger’ with guest Branko Malić

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

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