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INTERVIEW: Miles of Truth – ‘WHO Pandemic Treaty is Step One to Global Government’

TNT Radio | Delving into the WHO’s pandemic treaty and the global governance agenda.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – The ‘One Health’ Path to Global Tyranny (3 Part Series)

TNT Radio | Breaking down the One Health approach: from origins, to inception and adoption.

ONE HEALTH: Food Security and the Catalyst for Manufactured Emergencies

Freddie Ponton | Who controls the food supply, controls the people, and with it the destiny of humanity.

Explained: Why Dutch Farmers Are Rising Up Against the ‘Great Food Reset’

Dr. Joseph Mercola | Dutch farmers get it: it’s about pushing back against Schwab’s ‘plate reset’.

ONE HEALTH: Trojan Horse to Make Climate Change a ‘Global Health Emergency’

Freddie Ponton | The latest globalist parlor trick – merging the threat of climate change with ‘global public health.’

ONE HEALTH – Globalist Path to a One World Order

Freddie Ponton | An introduction to a fully globalized control system which uses ‘public health’ and the environment as the mechanisms to control humanity.

REVEALED: The Origins of Monkeypox Mythology

Dr. Sam and Dr. Mark Bailey | Where is the actual science proving this latest viral scare is the real McCoy?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue