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Douma, OPCW, Idlib, fake chemical attacks, White Helmets – Vanessa Beeley speaks to Last American Vagabond

Vanessa Beeley | I speak about the monstrous crimes of Western-backed terrorist groups and the White Helmets

‘Western Powers Should get Used to ‘Regime Change’ Failure in Syria’ – Peter Ford, Former UK Ambassador

Peter Ford | “The war has been waged on Syria, for nothing”

EASTERN GHOUTA: Syrian Voices Raised in Condemnation of White Helmets

Vanessa Beeley | White Helmets are military propaganda units that should be condemned as “war criminals”.

WHITE HELMETS: The John McCain Connections and is the “Funding Freeze” for Real?

Vanessa Beeley | The White Helmets “funding freeze” may just be another publicity stunt by their PR agencies.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue