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Search Results for: Cold war

How to turn a world lacking in enemies into the most threatening place in the universe

Le Monde Diplomatique | Without the fear of an enemy capable of doing anything, money at ever escalating levels would never have poured into homeland security, or the Pentagon, or a growing complex of crony corporations associated with our weaponized safety

Margaret Thatcher dies of stroke at the age of 87

The Telegraph | Baroness Thatcher, Britain’s greatest post-war prime minister, has died at the age of 87 after suffering a stroke, her family has announced

Henningsen on RT: ‘North Korean nuclear threat to US is a bogus one’

RT | Whoever is shilling for the North Korean nuclear threat is out to score points, or just flat-out lying to the public.

Racism and Zionism Rule the BBC’s Failing News Agenda

21st Century Wire | The BBC has only excelled in covering up crimes and pushing extremist views on the license paying public.

7 Countries Beefing Up Their Militaries in Today’s More Dangerous World

Policymic | The balance of power in the world is changing due to an increase of military spending

Ménage à trois: Screen Propaganda, Hollywood and the CIA

Julie Levesque | A guide to how motion pictures have been used for propaganda since the beginning of the 20th century.

Transnistria: A Country That Doesn’t Exist Is Haven for Guns and Vice

Huff Post | The smallest criminal paradise that you’ve never heard of.

Dorner Does an Atta : Police Find Drivers License Alongside Burnt Body In Cabin

21WIRE | It reminds us of that amazing find by FBI field officers in New York City on 9/11.

The ‘Bedroom Tax’ is Just the Latest Assault on Our Poorest Citizens

The Government needs to demonise its victims as state dependent leeches – as collectivist policies become the norm in Great Britain Owen JonesThe Independent Perverse, cruel, self-defeating, unjust: these terms could legitimately be used to describe a whole raft of Government policies. But consider this leading contender on all four counts: the so-called“bedroom tax”, due […]

New World Order Map: Plan to Re-arrange the Planet Post-WWII is Still Alive

Global Research | It was the British imperialist Cecil Rhodes who first proposed a ‘federal’ world government – imposed by the US and the British Empire.

Hillary Clinton Concocting Tales of ‘New Soviet Union’ Whilst Ignoring Fascist Collectives in US

21st Century Wire says… Like most big politicos these days, Hillary Clinton’s political intellect is based on her ability to pump out sound bites which are fed to her in passing during the course of each day, causing them to become out of touch with what the people on the street are really feeling. Instead, […]


Andrew McKillop | The bad example of fracking – slaying US natural gas prices and making major gas companies unable to pay taxes, or even stay in business – could screw with energy markets.


Patrick Lynch | Eye witness accounts from the last few days have fostered a wave of reports that ‘Chem-webs’, as well as heavy metals present in soil.

Gaza Slaughter is the Latest in a Long Line of Israeli Violence Against Arabs

By Miko Peled  Miko Peled Weblog As I write these words… I am in Jerusalem and it is a cold, windy and rainy day. Yesterday at the protest in Nabi Saleh, facing the IDF terror squads and in full view of the villas of the settler terrorists, we were drenched in rain and then frozen […]

Hounding Steve Messham, smears in the Daily Mail, threats against MPs and police complicity

The Slog | So just who is Alfred ‘Jimmie’ McAlpine anyway? Another cover-up…

President Obama’s Post-Election Militancy

Global Research Stephan Lendman Obama didn’t miss a beat. He picked up where he left off. He’s America’s most belligerent leader. He’s waging multiple direct and proxy wars abroad and at home by other means. Despite pressing unresolved domestic issues, he celebrated his electoral victory belligerently. On November 7, he bombed Yemen. Washington’s been waging […]

TORY GAME OF THRONES – Kenneth Clarke Introduces Nick Boles at Bilderberg – Is He The Next Tory Party Leader?

Ben Fellows 21st Century Wire Guest Columnist Here’s how it’s played out: David Cameron got ‘carried away’ with ‘fluffy’ issues after becoming Tory leader, neglecting voters’ key concerns, one of his closest advisers said last night after getting the phone call from his Bilderberg masters. It might be a surprise to members of the public […]

$43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit – and the mystery of two NY toddlers murdered

Wall Street financial mafia and the story you might never hear of again. If you haven’t yet seen this story, it’s worth checking out now… Last week, a horrific scene was discovered in a Manhattan apartment as the mother of two toddlers found her children dead in a bathtub and the nanny who was supposed to be […]

BLIND LEADING THE BLIND: ‘False Flag Energy’ and Syrian Regime Change

Andrew McKillop | The need for any kind of energy transported across Syria’s frontiers – either oil or gas – is zero in Europe.

Libya militia leader: Heat-seeking missiles, other weapons stolen during firefight

Washington Post | Looters had stolen “a large number” of shoulder-fired, heat-seeking missiles.

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