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Search Results for: Cold war

Broke: US Can’t Afford Base in Okinawa – Japan to rescue Pentagon with bailout for move

21WIRE + RT | Plans are being drawn up to relocate thousands of US troops off the island, to other sites like Guam – but US cannot afford the whole cost involved.

‘Obama Bodyguards’, DC Cops, Gun Down Unarmed Black Woman – Where is Al Sharpton?

21st Century Wire | Miriam Carey was killed in cold blood. Something is very, very wrong in America right now.

Mexican Standoff: Obama’s Ever-Shifting Doctrine on WMDs

Andrew McKillop | Real security and prosperity can no longer be found in the old paradigm of the mafia military mentality.

Beyond Syria: No Attack – No Imperiums – No Global Community

Andrew McKillop | Syria has exposed a disturbing picture of what they call the ‘international community’.

Grinding to a Halt: Western ‘Exceptionalism’ Exposed

21Wire + WP | Putin exposed the “exceptionalism” of the morally bankrupt politicians in Washington.

C’est Masterplan: Surreal, Sadistic Syrian Subterfuge

21WIRE + Slope of Hope | American political leaders are currently relying on a high level of disinterest and ignorance about Syria.

Obama, the benevolent dictator: ‘I will allow Congress to vote on military action in Syria’

Patrick Henningsen | With language befitting of a true dictator, the President pauses to gives lip-service to the democratic process.

Obama Now Preparing for Naval Missile Strike Against Syria

21WIRE + CBS | Obama is making final preparations for a “punitive” cruise missile strike against Syria.

Losing the Plot: Al Gore Compares Climate Change Deniers To Racists And Drunks

21WIRE + Huff Post | Gore’s church is all about collecting money and consolidating political power.

Resurrecting Osama: Musharraf arrest for Benazir Bhutto assassination reignites the ‘bin Laden question’

21WIRE + AP | Former Army chief and President is now being thrown under the bus to bury the bin Laden hoax.

Obama Blows out Putin over Snowden Affair

21WIRE + RT | The Junior Senator from Illinois just bottled it, again.

NSA is more than just a spy network, it’s global fascism

Patrick Henningsen | Where is the crisis of international diplomacy between the US and Europe over NSA spying?

Snowden revelation: ‘NSA is in bed with the Germans’

RT | Is the recent public feud over spying between Germany and wiretapping-happy countries US and UK nothing but political theatre?

Boeing’s Lemons: $214 million US defense missile misses test target over Pacific

21WIRE+RT | The most expensive and unnecessary fleet of flying lemons in US history.

Beyond Snowden: US General Cartwright has been indicted for espionage

Thierry Meyssan | ‘Obama’s General’ James Cartwright now faces prosecution for blowing the whistle on the President’s Stuxnet and Flame viruses.

Snowden on NSA wiretapping: ‘Put your cell phones in the fridge’

Dr Coldwell | Here are some practical tips on protecting your privacy from government eavesdroppers…

Snowden: An exercise in disinformation

Stuart J. Hooper | Many have embraced Edward Snowden as a ‘hero’, but his story is much deeper than that.

Putin sends clear message to G8: ‘Russia won’t support Syria nightmare’

21st Century Wire | What will be the end to Syria’s nightmare, as those in secretive meetings continue to invent ways to destabilize the sovereign nation?

Above the Law: What’s Behind Israel’s Latest Military Rampage In Syria?

21st Century Wire | This latest unprovoked attack proves that Israel is the single greatest threat to world peace today – see the results for yourself….

C.I.A. Games: Myanmar morphs to US-China battlefield

Asia Times | The C.I.A. are working to keep China out of business in Myanmar – cutting off its vital economic and strategic importance, including access to mining for copper and rare earth minerals.

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