21st Century Wire | Hasn’t the BBC learned that it’s job is not to protect establishment legacies?
BBC Shoot Themselves in Foot Again Trying to Preserve Thatcher’s Thorny Legacy
Racism and Zionism Rule the BBC’s Failing News Agenda
21st Century Wire | The BBC has only excelled in covering up crimes and pushing extremist views on the license paying public.
Patrick Henningsen on UK Column Live Show
UK Column | UK Column Live current affairs programme, with host Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson.
Why Are Political Elites So Obsessed With Lowering the Age of Consent?
21WIRE | Politicians and paedophiles in Westminster have a very dark social agenda when it comes to the age of consent.
10 Reason to Cancel Your TV License and more…
BanTheBBC says: Up until the last few years I used to be a big fan of BBC programming and would invest at least a few hours every day watching programmes like Eastenders, Top of the Pops, Only Fools & Horses, Question Time, Newsnight, Panorama, etc. But these days I cannot bring myself to watch any […]
BBC Trustee Anthony Fry Defending George Entwistle’s ‘Entitlement’ – The 450K Golden Parachute
Andrew Woodcock | In addition to his pay-off, Mr Entwistle had a pension pot of £833,000.
Are Secretive Cabals Keeping Us in the Dark Over UK Child Abuse?
Peter Sterry 21st Century Wire Senior Editor An ugly truth: our system of law enforcement and justice is broken. Quite simply, it bullies the victims, and protects men in positions of power. Old wounds are being reopened again… Another previously buried report of organised paedophilia in North Wales has turned up – fears that revelations […]
Gatekeepers Attempt to Erase Paedophilia: BBC and Gov’t Operatives Still Hoping To Stop Hemorrhaging of Public Confidence
Nick Myra | Pressure has been building against Britain’s elite establishment.
Tory Pier Lord McAlpine break silence: ‘I did not sexually abuse anyone’
Former Conservative Party treasurer, breaks silence over internet rumours linking him to the North Wales child sex abuse case, describing them as “wholly false and seriously defamatory” Gordon Rayner The Telegraph Lord (Alistair) McAlpine’s name circulated widely online after Steve Messham, a former resident of the Bryn Estyn home in Wrexham, told Newsnight he had […]
‘It’s time for proper police investigation’ says Award-winning journalist who exposed North Wales child abuse scandal
21WIRE | At least 16 young boys from these homes died in tragic or ‘unexplained circumstances’, several after revealing the abuse.
21WIRE | Is child abuse being covered-up by the British political establishment?
Twitter Sparks Fresh BBC row over Newsnight ‘paedophile’ politician probe
Telegraph | Twitter is back in the news again, this time over a pedophile investigation.
Paedohile Savile’s £4.3m Estate Frozen By Nat West Bank
Huff Post | The newspaper obtained a copy of document which instructs that £20,000 in cash was to be shared between 20 of the celebrity’s friends. Who are they?
What did Tory William Hague know? Former Minister says Thatcher aide was paedophile who preyed on boys’ home
Mail Online | At the height of Westminster’s paedophile operation in the 1980’s and 1990’s, what did William Hague know, and when did he know it?
Another Dead Conviction? Thatcher’s Top Aide Named Again in Downing Street Paedophile Ring
21WIRE | The Westminster cover-up continues, as Tories scramble to keep the dirt under the rug again.
Jimmy Savile ‘Was A Necrophiliac’ Claims Former BBC Radio Colleague Paul Gambaccini
The Huffington Post Jimmy Savile’s former BBC radio colleague Paul Gambaccini claimed on Tuesday it was known among staff that the late presenter targeted vulnerable, “institutionalised” young people. And he alluded to claims Savile had been involved in “necrophilia” and questioned why newspapers had failed to run stories about suspicions while he was alive. Gambaccini […]