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Search Results for: Cold war

YEAR IN REVIEW: 2014 Top Ten Conspiracies

Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton | The Year 2014 proved to be a banner year for unbelievable conspiracies.

The Kennedys vs The CIA: 1961 to Now

Brasscheck TV | Until today, the Kennedys are still battling the CIA machine.

‘The Interview’, A Sony False Flag Hack and Hollywood’s Empire of Mediocrity

Patrick Henningsen | At last, a cool international cause that Hollywood can finally rally around!

CIA: “Verschärfte Vernehmung!” (That’s Nazi for ‘enhanced interrogation’)

21WIRE + The Atlantic | It’s time to put Washington’s torture apologists in their correct position.

Flu Shot Fail: Vaccine Chiefs Forced to Admit it Won’t Work

Mike Adams | Vaccines: One big guessing game, and it’s also a game of Russian Roulette.

PARASITIC PROWL: Analysis of the Hollywood Pyschodrama ‘Nightcrawler’

Shawn Helton | Nightcrawler is haunting vision of American media, popculture and hidden meaning.

Ferguson Mob Carjacks Elderly Man on Oxygen, Runs Him Over

E.T. Williams | Carjacking the vulnerable in Ferguson, and more looting breaks out in Oakland.

Ferguson’s Violent Hangover and The Incredible Shrinking President

Patrick Henningsen | Welcome, to another addition of Thunderdome.

LIVE UPDATES: Ferguson Riots, Protests Break Out Across USA

21WIRE LIVE | Live news updates from Ferguson, Missouri protests and around the US.

FERGUSON VERDICT: ‘No Probable Cause’ – Street Mobs Let Off Gunshots, Riots Begin

SPECIAL REPORT | Flash mobs angry with verdict, violence breaks out in Ferguson.

‘Empire Debate’ on CrossTalk: Sparks fly between Henningsen and DC Think Tank staffer

CrossTalk | Sparks began to fly on air when 21WIRE challenged the establishment narrative about ‘Empire’ in the 21st century.

EBOLA HOAX EXPOSED: The Reality Behind America’s Dreadful Campaign Of Fear

Shawn Helton | Ebola is on the back-burner for now, but the idea of a pandemic is subliminally dialed into your psyche.

CIRCUS CIRCUS: US Senate Flips to Elephants, Jackasses Yield in Midterms

Peter Sterry | 2014 Midterm Results: Both parties pretending to occupy the middle, yet still smoking the same brand of cigarettes.

PA Shooter Frein: First Lone Gunman in Living Memory to Be Captured Alive

21WIRE + RT | Shock horror: a lone gunman is actually captured alive.

The Coming Altzheimer’s Bomb: Can Mental Healthcare Cope?

Andrew McKillop | The UK’s NHS is struggling with the unstoppable growth of Altzheimer’s disease victims, and the numbers are growing.

NATO Pushes Baltic Front: Canadian Jets Intercept Russian Plane and Sweden’s ‘Russian Sub Hoax’

21WIRE | NATO is pushing hard on the northern European front, in an attempt to provoke Russia – as NATO hopes to escalate a conflict.

Nuland’s Folly: Ukraine Says ‘Yes’ to Russian Winter Discount Gas Offer

21WIRE | A year later, and Kiev is back where it started, and we are all worse off as a result.

MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | This comprehensive report points to a damning criminal indictment of Kiev in the downing of MH17, and political and media complicity by Washington and NATO to cover it up.

Disappeared AH5017: Wreckage and Remains now found in Mali

21WIRE + Yahoo! News | Worries of foul play are certainly at the forefront of everyone’s mind following the MH17 disaster.

MH17: Malaysian Airlines False Flag Scripting Straight Out of BBC’s ‘Sherlock’

Jay Dyer | Like many 9/11 examples, the scripting of this latest Malaysian Plane fiasco matches the plot of BBC’s ‘Sherlock’.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue