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Search Results for: Cold war

Washington’s NATO Envoy: ‘I get most info on Ukraine conflict from social networks’

21WIRE + RT | Washington’s highest ranking foreign service representatives rely on Tweets and Facebook posts to keep up with the Russia’s ‘invasions’.

‘Ex Machina’ – Transhumanism Backed By The Global A.I. Brain

Jay Dyer | Transhumanism meets Google – a film which raises some new questions about A.I.

Saudi Bombing Campaign Massacres Dozens of Yemeni School Children

21WIRE + Stephen Lendman | Devastation: Saudi attacks have left over 2,265 housing units totally demolished.

The ‘Nuland-Kagan Plan’ To Kill The Minsk-2 Peace Agreement

21WIRE + Off Guardian | The couple’s latest project is to sink Minsk-2 and lay the ground for further U.S. military-industrial-complex profiteering at the expense of the EU and of peace in Europe.

The Holy Business: End-Times Buffoonery in a Modern World

Daniel Spaulding | Newsflash: the rapture has already happened.

US EMPIRE: Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways

Michel Chossudovsky | Capturing Yemen will complete Washington’s imperial puzzle in the region.

SCAPEGOAT: Is Germanwings Pilot Andreas Lubitz Being ‘Framed’ for French Alps Crash?

Shawn Helton | What’s the real story regarding the Germanwings disaster?

FULL-SPECTRUM CYNICISM: Yemen and the Art of International Subterfuge

Daniel Spaulding | Can you feel the freedom yet?

Parasitic Elite: Deliberately Trashing our Planet

Zen Gardner | Don’t hold your breath – if there is a cavalry to be sent in it sure seems it should have happened a long time ago.

Lost Boys (1987) – Revelation of Satanic Ritual Abuse?

Jay Dyer | The Lost Boys is a revelation of the dark side of the establishment.

History 101: How the CIA Overthrew Iran’s First Democratically Elected Government

National Security Archive | US intelligence destroyed a major democratic beacon in region. The rest is history.

Fear and Loathing in Washington, Death and Destruction in Ukraine

21WIRE + Letters From Globistan + RT | Kiev will be using these US-supplied arms against its own people – a war crime by anyone’s definition.

NOT AGAIN: American Weapons ‘Fall into the Wrong Hands’, This Time In Yemen

21WIRE + Global Research | The US will try and spin this latest arms debacle in Yemen as just another unlucky coincidence,

A Guide to Washington’s Covert Agenda in the Ukraine

Robert Parry – Consortium News | Washington is hoping for a potential showdown between nuclear-armed Russia and the United States on Russia’s border.

DAMAGE CONTROL: Does Cobain Doc ‘Montage of Heck’ Whitewash the Singer’s Death?

Shawn Helton | The documentary ‘Montage of Heck’ neglects to discuss any of the alarming forensic details observed in Cobain’s death.

NATO PEDIGREE: A Bosnian Scenario for Ukraine?

Ivan Proskin | NATO’s past blitzkrieg and domination of the former Yugoslavia shows us what to expect in the Ukraine.

Unlikely Siblings: Uncanny Similarities Between Israel And Pakistan

Saman Mohammadi | Both relied on British colonialists to get the land that they sought, creating refugee and political crises in their wake.

JIHADI JOHN: What the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You

Shawn Helton | There are pressing questions concerning British security services, Mohammad Emwazi and his family.

REVEALED: Fracking’s Big Radioactive Secret

Truthstream Media | Here it is: the Fracking Industry’s big dirty nuclear secret.

Top 10 Points from Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress That Indicate Madness

SPECIAL FEATURE | Netanyahu just came out with some ‘Axis of Evil’ level rhetoric and it’s completely crazy!

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