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Search Results for: Cold war

Netanyahu Goes to Washington: An Act of Desperation By a Political Dinosaur

Patrick Henningsen | Netanyahu and the US neocons fear peace, because peace is bad for the business of war.

The Greatest Role: Leonard Nimoy’s Struggle With ‘Being Spock’

21WIRE + The Switch | He was greatly admired and respected, not just because of the brilliant character which he played, but because of the way he played it.

Russian Opposition Leader Shot and Killed – Western Media Blame Putin

Stuart J. Hooper + RT | This is without a doubt the most dangerous development we have seen so far regarding Russia.

FALSE FLAG: CIA Planted Evidence on Iranian Nuclear Activities

Stuart J. Hooper + RT | No, this is not a conspiracy theory. It needs to be taken extremely seriously.

GLADIO STRIKES: Explosion at Peace Rally in Kharkov, Ukraine

21WIRE + RT | Gladio sought to eradicate any form of political dissent, is Kiev looking to do the same here?

Moody’s Downgrades Russia’s Debt to ‘JUNK’ Status Just as BRICS Bank is Ratified

Stuart J. Hooper + The Guardian | Another obvious propaganda stunt, once again attacking Russia, is the West’s response to the BRICS.

Satire: Kim Jong Un Gains 100 Pounds & Gets Ridiculous Haircut

21WIRE + Huffington Post | You need to see it to believe it…

Russia To Build Entire Nuclear Industry in Egypt

21WIRE + RT | The West has been floundering trying to ‘isolate’ the Russians, but their dealings with other developing countries just keep growing.

Rockstar: Syriza’s Yanis Tells Troika Bankers to Take a Hike Back to Brussels

21WIRE + RT | This is a major poke in the eye to central banking masters of usury.

HOTEL HELL: Attack at Luxury Hotel in Libya Reveals ‘False Flag’ Event

Shawn Helton | SITE Intelligence is linked to this latest false flag in Libya.

‘Isolated’? The Irony Behind New Russia and Iran Defense Deal

Stuart J. Hooper + RT | The West may declare Russia as ‘isolated’, yet a number of landmark international deals say otherwise.

Obama and Cameron’s Biggest Fear: Seven EU nations support lifting sanctions on Russia

21WIRE + Tass | Washington and London hoped the attacks in Paris would pull EU rebels back towards the anti-Russian club, but it looks like the effect was only short-term.

BBC Reporter Tim Wilcox Forced To Apologize For Making Comments Sympathetic To Palestinians at Paris Rally

21WIRE | BBC anchor falls foul of the the lobby, now fighting for his career.

The Charlie Hebdo Attack: Geo-politics, Eurocentrism, Islamophobia, and ‘Blowback Theory’

Dr. Can Erimtan | Zbig’s big idea was that “Islamic forces could be used against the Soviet Union – and we’re still suffering his corrupt legacy it today.

The Charlie Hebdo False Flag in Paris: Theory, Evidence and Motive

Stuart J. Hooper | A definitive article presenting a theory of false flag terrorism in relation to evidence and motives available for the case of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris.

Hilarious: Ukraine Junta Leader Yatz Tells Merkel: ‘Soviet Union Invaded Ukraine, Germany’

21WIRE + RT | Yatsenyuk’s comments were followed by panic stations from the German leader’s staff.

PARIS MAYHEM: French Connection – Gladio Elements in the Charlie Hebdo Incident

Jay Dyer | All the same villains and cast of characters that come to play in the vaudeville variety show that is the global war on terror.

DIRTY PLOT: Ukrainian Crisis Had ‘Outside Agitators’ Says Oliver Stone – As Czech Returns NATO Medals

21WIRE + RT | A critical lens with which to view Washington’s true role in the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine.

UN Anti-Nazi Resolution: Prague Declaration and History of “US Accommodation with Nazism”

21WIRE + Global Research | In light of Washington backing an openly fascist and NeoNazi regime in the Ukraine, it’s no surprise this issue is boiling again.

GAME CHANGERS: 2015 Predictions and Trends from 21WIRE

21WIRE FEATURE | Looking ahead at your Brave New World in 2015….

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