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Search Results for: Cold war

Murdoch’s Media Monopoly: Are the Globalists Streamlining Their PR for WWIII?

21WIRE | He is the world’s most interesting man, and he’ll only settle for total world domination.

Weather Underground: 60’s Radical Leader Bill Ayers ‘Defends’ Violent Terror Exploits

21WIRE + DC Clothesline | Bill Ayers was responsible for helping to create a destructive tool that indoctrinated young liberals into pushing for a socialist agenda through violence.

CIA Vaccine Plot In Pakistan Reveals A History Of Abuse

Shawn Helton | Was this just another disingenuous program operated by US intelligence, one that operated with impunity and one that has recklessly caused harm to many unknowing victims?

DHS Witch-Hunt For Ukrainian ‘Shiny Toy’ Assets Expose US Foreign Policy Nightmare

Shawn Helton + Bloomberg | The West exudes its power over other countries by selling distortions to promote its failing policy.

The Odessa Cover-Up: Washington and Kiev’s Crime Against Humanity

William Boardman | Washington and EU double agenda typifies the culture of shallowness and moral relativism which has redefined the proxy war.

Inventing a ‘Russian Threat’: Washington’s Full-Spectrum Subversion

Mark Hackard | Washington has pulled out all the stops this time, in order demonise and isolate Russia in its own regional sphere.

Dr. Strangelove is Back: Washington Pulling NATO’s Strings in Ukraine

John Pilger | Deception, propaganda and blind ambition – welcome to Washington’s Cuckoo Nest.

Gawker says: ‘Arrest Climate-Change Deniers’, But Where Would We Put Them?

21WIRE | Climate jihadists are getting ever more desperate to make the public believe in their phantom menace.

Bleach, Blood & Lies: A Look Back On The Death Of Kurt Cobain 20 Years Later – Part One

Shawn Helton – Was Kurt’s death a suicide, or was it murder?

Exposed Neocon tool Liz Wahl embarks on rear-guard PR defense tour

21WIRE | Liz Wahl does what any loyal corporate journalist or politician always does – attempting to re-write history.

Buried Evidence: The Strange Death Of Brittany Murphy Revisited – Part Two

Shawn Helton | Was evidence deliberately buried in the case of Brittany Murphy’s death?

No Act of Conscience: Liz Wahl RT ‘Resignation’ Was Planned Neocon Think Tank PR Stunt

21WIRE + RT | She managed to fool the world – but only for two weeks. Here’s the real story of Liz Wahl’s dramatic resignation from RT…

Western Psychodrama Over Putin Only Pushes World Affairs Further ‘OFF GRID’

Andrew McKillop | International Community defenders are vigorously working the theme that Vladimir Putin is ‘just plain crazy’.


Andrew McKillop | Political leaders in the west have fools for advisers, and thus are making one wrong move after another.

Google is Tyrell: What Next With Canadian Teen’s ‘Human-Powered’ Flashlight?

21WIRE + Yahoo! News | When the cybernetic ‘singularity’ technology finally arrives, you can bet that Google will want to own it.

Moon Landings: The Problem With ‘Those Photos’

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | The weird shadows, the strange light artifacts, the impossible lighting – are only the tip of the iceberg.

Hollywood Babylon: The Strange Death Of Brittany Murphy Revisited – Part One

Shawn Helton | To this day the events surrounding the strange and untimely death of Brittany Murphy have remained an enigma.


Andrew McKillop | With no shadow of doubt “the gas question” will feature in what happens in the present stand-off between Putin’s Russia and the West.

The Rape of Ukraine: Phase Two Begins

F. William Engdahl | The economic cooperation between Ukraine and Moscow was something Washington was determined to sabotage at all costs.


Andrew McKillop | One can only only imagine the distaste the Kremiln has right now, as the Ukraine goes into full BBQ mode.

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