AP | Musk has big plans, but does he favor a Chinese-style social control system?
Video and Text of President Putin’s Speech on Accession of New Territories
21WIRE | Putin marks the incorporation of new regions, and defies the “colonial” West and its rampant culture wars.
Man Kills Republican Teenager With His Car Over Political Argument
21WIRE | Partisan division seems to be getting worse. Is America heading towards a new civil war?
UN Report: 50 million People Trapped in ‘Modern Slavery’
21WIRE | ‘It is shocking that the situation of modern slavery is not improving.’
Chileans Reject New ‘Woke’ Constitution
21WIRE | The new constitution sought to increase the size, scope, and power of central government.
A Lesson from Norway: How Not to Kill Animals
Vladimir Golstein | Yet another example of wonderful humanitarian logic.
INTERVIEW: Kari Jaquesson on the Transgender Agenda
TNT Radio | The attempted hostile takeover of society by radical identity politics in Europe, and beyond.
New Transgender ‘Bill of Rights’ Designed to Erase Real Women
21WIRE | It’s simple: One cannot be for both women’s rights and this vision of trans rights.
Russia: Authorities Weigh Total Ban on LGBT ‘Propaganda’
21WIRE | Authors of new bill claim that radical LGBT politics is dangerous not just for children, but for society as a whole.
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Groomed: How Schools Sexualise Your Children’ (2022)
SUNDAY SCREENING | How extreme identity politics has been able to colonize western schools.
NBC to Air ‘Celebrity Telethon’ Money-Spinner for Ukraine
Ciaran O’Rourke | When doubling down becomes your raison d’etre, inevitably you start getting abject monstrosities like this.