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Planned Parenthood Cartoon Targets Children in New Puberty Blockers Campaign

21WIRE | Social engineers are now taking their propaganda to the next level.

Gender Mania: ‘In America, You’re Not Allowed to Point Out This Insanity’

21WIRE | The new anti-biology hysteria which is currently plaguing US society and its political system.

In 2017, America’s liberal abortion agenda looks a lot like Nazi Eugenics

21WIRE | This is unusual outgrowth to the Charlottesville conversation, but an important one.

Episode #115 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘2015 COMPENDIUM’ with host Patrick Henningsen

SUNDAY WIRE | A look back at the top news and conspiracies of 2015, and look ahead at what’s in store for your brave new 2016.

‘Human Cull’: How to Decode Elite Eugenics Propaganda

21WIRE + Truthstream Media | A cabal of unelected billionaire ‘philanthropists’, who claim that their life’s work is all about “saving lives”.

Will Obamacare be the ‘Pandora’s Box’ of the Neo-Eugenics Movement?

21Wire + WE | There is no telling what kind of ‘Pandora’s Box’ Obamacare will be.

Obama administration to allow girls of all ages to pick-up morning after pill

21WIRE | Another part of the neoliberal brave new social agenda…

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