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Report: Puberty Blockers Pushed on Children Proven to Have ‘Devastating, Irreversible Effects’

It’s one of the most disturbing trends in North America and Europe today: radical and deranged school facilitators and staff pushing innocent children into getting dangerous, life-altering medical procedures. 

Earlier this year, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton acted on behalf of concerned residents and concluded that performing certain “sex-change” procedures on children, and prescribing puberty-blockers to them, would now be considered “child abuse” under Texas law.

AG Paxton concluded that certain procedures done on minors such as castration, fabrication of a “penis” using tissue from other body parts, fabrication of a “vagina” involving the removal of male sex organs, prescription of puberty-suppressors and infertility-inducers – should be considered “abuse” under section 261.001 of the Texas Family Code.

“There is no doubt that these procedures are ‘abuse’ under Texas law, and thus must be halted,” said Attorney General Paxton. “The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) has a responsibility to act accordingly. I’ll do everything I can to protect against those who take advantage of and harm young Texans.”

Despite all this, radical left-wing civil liberties lawyers have managed to convince a judge to halt any state investigations into this systemic practice of child abuse in the state.

However, a new and comprehensive report has surfaced this week which has already dealt a major blow to this industrial-scale abuse…

Joseph MacKinnon
from The Blaze writes…

Although Democrat Circuit Judge Diana Motz intimated in August that those allegedly afflicted with gender dysphoria are disabled, a recent scientific study revealed that real and irreversible disabilities are in fact caused by those puberty-blocking hormone injections introduced to minors under the guise of remedies.

A study published on September 19 in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy explained that puberty blockers, also known as luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists or GnRHa drugs, are not just creating sexless adults, although GnRHa is a drug “licensed to chemically castrate men.” They are: depleting victims’ bone density; hampering their cognitive development; and producing a myriad of deleterious emotional effects.

The Dutch protocol

Dr. Michael Biggs, a professor of sociology at the University of Oxford, published his findings in an article entitled, “The Dutch Protocol for Juvenile Transsexuals: Origins and Evidence.” In the article, Biggs critically reviewed the fallout and ramifications of the internationally embraced Dutch protocol.

The Dutch protocol was a hormone intervention practice developed by clinicians at Utrecht and Amsterdam in the mid-1990s.

In the early days, cross-sex hormones were not introduced until a victim was between the ages of 16 and 18, and genital mutilation was not performed until the victim was 18. However, Peggy Cohen-Kettenis advocated for patients to begin undergoing so-called treatment prior to adulthood.

According to Biggs, boys were given anti-androgen and cyproterone acetate, which prevented erections and caused breasts to grow. Girls, conversely, were given progestin to stop menstruation and then testosterone, before being subjected to mastectomies, hysterectomies, and oophorectomies.

With the endocrinologist Henriette Delemarre-van de Waal and psychiatrist Louis Gooren, Cohen-Kettenis continued to develop and then codify her protocol, which became the standard international practice in the treatment of adolescents misdiagnosed with gender dysphoria.

A bad bill of goods

For years it was argued, including in the Journal of Homosexuality, that “withholding physical medical interventions” in the cases of adolescents exhibiting signs of so-called gender dysphoria were “more harmful to wellbeing in both adolescence and adulthood when compared to cases where physical medical interventions were provided.”

According to Biggs, clinicians and activists came to regard natal puberty as “a kind of disease,” concluding that “hormones of either sex can be treated as vectors of disease.”

Furthermore, proponents of the protocol suggested that GnRHa was “fully reversible; in other words, no lasting effects are to be expected.” This disproven claim was advanced, said Biggs, to “avoid the question of whether a child aged 12 (or below) could give consent to this endocrinological experiment.”

Among the irreversible side effects of the puberty blockers was a halting of critical bodily growth, including that of genitals. Upon the introduction of GnRHa to men, the penis would cease to grow, and growth would not resume upon terminating treatment.

Additionally, Biggs pointed out that advocates for transsexual alterations and puberty blockers misled the public about the likelihood that victims might just get over their adolescent confusion. He suggested that a number of children sterilized and transmogrified would otherwise have turned out to be sexually functional gays or lesbians.

“Clinicians need to explain how they are sure that some of the adolescents being prescribed GnRHa would not have grown into gay or lesbian adults, with their sexuality and fertility intact.”

Cohen-Kettenis and her cadre of scientists suggested that their victims saw a decrease in depressive symptoms and their behavioral problems resolved “while general functioning improved” post-treatment. However, Biggs suggested the evidence provided was dubious and had also excluded results of eight patients, one of whom died of necrotizing fasciitis during vaginoplasty.

Biggs remarked a “fatality rate exceeding 1% would surely halt any other experimental treatment on healthy teenagers.”

The irreplicability of the Dutch team’s results also cast into question the legitimacy of their claims.


In his examination of the international adoption of the Dutch protocol, Biggs noted that the once niche practice had been grossly overpopularized as the result of positive media coverage. “Positive media coverage is known to increase referrals to gender clinics.”

For instance, Oprah Winfrey’s network broadcast the documentary “I Am Jazz: A Family in Transition” in 2011, detailing how a young boy, Jared Jennings, was placed under puberty suppression at the age of 11, not long after his mother said that “you have to kinda nip puberty in the bud.”

After the show aired, Biggs noted a significant multiplication of clinics for “gender-nonconforming children and adolescence,” 32 of which soon advised puberty blockers.

Jennings, who later complained to Oprah that boys didn’t like him, now “has no libido and cannot orgasm.”

The surgeon who mutilated Jennings, Marci Bowers, said “every single child … who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2, has never experienced orgasm. I mean, it’s really about zero.”

Similar shows normalizing and promoting puberty blockers played to millions of viewers elsewhere, including “The Wrong Body,” which was broadcast in England.

‘Inherently dangerous’

This paper was released just weeks after the Nobel prize-winning sociologist Dr. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, director emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, told Germany’s leading feminist magazine that “taking hormones is inherently dangerous.”

Nüsslein-Volhard stated that hormones “add something to the body that is not intended there. … The body cannot handle it in the long run.”

Those “who want to change their gender … can’t do it. You remain XY or XX. … People retain their gender for life.” No amount of medical alteration can change static biological realities.

She indicated further that expressions of femininity in men or masculinity in women are not indicative of blurred gender lines but rather of varying hormonal levels and cultural differences. Gender dysphoria, in other words, maybe better addressed with time and understanding than with irreversible drugs and surgery.

The American College of Pediatricians reportedly indicated that GnRHa agonists “arrest bone growth, decrease bone accretion, prevent the sex-steroid dependent organization and maturation of the adolescent brain, and inhibit fertility by preventing the development of gonadal tissue and mature gametes for the duration of treatment.”

According to the FDA, 6,379 people died between 2013 and June 2019 after taking the hormone blocker Lupron. There were also 41,213 adverse events and 25,645 “serious” reactions reported. Lupron is one of the drugs given to children diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

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