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Obama uses NLP to cloud minds and avoid diplomacy with Iran over its nonexistent nukes

Patrick Henningsen | US-led diplomacy on Iran is based on deception, and has little to do with nuclear weapons.

UK Column Live – Conference for Freedom in Press and Media 2013

UK Column | Exposing The Leveson Common Purpose: The battle for press and internet freedom is now on.

How to turn a world lacking in enemies into the most threatening place in the universe

Le Monde Diplomatique | Without the fear of an enemy capable of doing anything, money at ever escalating levels would never have poured into homeland security, or the Pentagon, or a growing complex of crony corporations associated with our weaponized safety

Rupert Sheldrake Destroys Dawkins Dillusion in Banned TED-x Talk

Brass Check TV | Modern science has become a conspiracy of ignorance…

How Digital Technology Has Helped Unleash a Devastating New Era of Propaganda

Alter Net | “Propaganda always wins,” said Leni Riefenstahl, “if you allow it.”

Hollywood History Hoax: Iran hires top lawyer to sue for ‘lies’ in Affleck’s Argo film

RT | Ben Affleck never considered the possibility of being challenged for running a Hollywood CIA propaganda feature.

Ménage à trois: Screen Propaganda, Hollywood and the CIA

Julie Levesque | A guide to how motion pictures have been used for propaganda since the beginning of the 20th century.

Zero Dark Thirty wins ‘Riefenstahl Oscar’ for Best Propaganda Film

Patrick Henningsen | There’s an obvious problem with Kathryn Bigelow’s latest film, so it’s no surprise that it’s bagged this year’s Speer Prize.

Oscar Preview: Best Propaganda Film (SPOILER CLIP!)

YouTube | Benny and Kevin present the award for ‘Best Propaganda in a Motion Picture’

Obama Launches Neo-Goebbels Era: Pentagon Gearing Up to Fight the ‘PR War’

Patrick Henningsen | Still no word of the multi-trillion dollar defense budget black hole Donald Rumsfeld let slip in his press speech the day before 9/11.

Eddie Bernays: The Godfather of Modern Propaganda

Edward Bernays: know who he is, and what he invented… READ MORE ON MODERN PROPAGANDA AT: 21st Century Wire Propaganda Files –

Social Engineering 2013: Learning ‘Careerism’ As A Moral Reward System

Aaron Jackson | The Common Core of central government’s drive towards a new Soviet.

Is Al-Jazeera Really ‘Fair And Balanced’ ?

Washington Post | The Qatari authorities sentenced a poet to life imprisonment in November, but you won’t hear about it on Al Jazeera.

Moulding Young Minds: US Public Schools Preaching the Virtues of War On Iran

Patrick Henningsen | US teachers are grooming the next generation of compliant consumer spectators.

The Problem With Hillary’s ‘New Propaganda’ Program

21WIRE | She could be one of the most dangerous politicians ever to court the Presidency.

Establishment Getting Desperate: ‘Gov’t black-ops must be more transparent’

Patrick Henningsen | The UK already has dozens of ‘security’ and intelligence agencies, some of which are even spying on each other. To think that any of these would embrace ‘transparency’ is a bit of a joke.

Desperate Measures: Anti-Islamic Advertisements to Hit NYC

RT | You will not believe the adverts being purchased by the radical Israeli Lobbies…

Danny Dayem and CNN’s Mockingbird Media Agitprop Shop

Patrick Henningsen | CNN’s outrageous agitprop theatrics continue, complete with fake gun fire and mock explosions made-to-order for a clueless American public. .

RON PAUL 2012: “Beware of the War Propaganda”

Ron Paul is reminding Americans that the lies that led us to war in 2003 with Iraq are being recycled again to prime the pump for a war with Iran in 2012. Our advice: don’t be fooled again. . READ MORE PROPAGANDA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Propaganda Files SUPPORT 21WIRE – SUBSCRIBE & BECOME […]

War Inc: Inside the Pentagon’s Psychological Operation to Suck the Masses into Their War Machine

Alexander Higgins | Curious how the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history will be taught to future generations?

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