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Grenfell Tragedy: Woven Into the Fabric of Neoliberal Britain

21WIRE | Britain’s super-bureaucracy is becoming ever more remote from the issues and concerns that affect the daily lives of ordinary people.

UK’s Boris Johnson Accuses Russia of Trying to Assassinate Montenegro PM

Alex Thomson | As Boris continues to cast wild accusations, the BBC and UK’s shadow state bodies continue their own operations to destabilize governments overseas.

Nihilistic Britain: Crowds goaded suicidal man to ‘Get on with it and jump!’

21WIRE + Daily Mail | Can society be pulled back from the proverbial edge of collective insanity?

Britain’s New PC Stasi Blacklisting Preschoolers For ‘Word Crimes’

21WIRE + Mail Online | Cultural Marxists have made incredible progress in their bid to re-engineer thought.

Stasi Net? UK Press ‘regulation deal’ sparks fears of high libel fines for bloggers

Guardian | No can quite figure out how Leveson went from Murdoch phone hacking to regulating internet speech.

WEB OF DECEIT: Common Purpose and Media Standards Trust Exposed in the National Press Today

Mail Online | The secret organisation behind the Leveson Inquiry plot for gov’t control of the UK press.

Establishment Getting Desperate: ‘Gov’t black-ops must be more transparent’

Patrick Henningsen | The UK already has dozens of ‘security’ and intelligence agencies, some of which are even spying on each other. To think that any of these would embrace ‘transparency’ is a bit of a joke.

‘Common Purpose’ Now Infects Libya

Libya Herald | The cult of Common Purpose reaches Libya. The Libyans have no idea what they’ve let in.

The Ben Fellows Radio Show with guest Patrick Henningsen

Great conversation as Ben Fellows welcomes guest Patrick Henningsen from the 21st Century Wire, covering a range of topics including the media, online gaming, society, Common Purpose, the EU, Middle East developments and the online information revolution. http://www.thebenfellowsradioshow.com  ….

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