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Ancient Mysteries: The Lost Civilization of 10,500 B.C. & The Great Pyramid of Giza

21WIRE + Graham Hancock | This is an astounding analysis of our lost history.

ATLANTIAN MYTHOLOGY: 10,000 Year Old Megalith Rewrites Mediterranean History

21WIRE + RT | What other discoveries are waiting to be found just beneath the surface?

Dr. Robert Schoch: The REAL Age of The Sphinx Revealed

21WIRE + Dr. Robert Schoch | This brings the history of civilisation into question like never before.

Robert Bauval: The Giza Pyramids and The Belt of Orion

21WIRE + Robert Bauval | Can this really be a coincidence?

Lost History of Humanity: Atlantis, Pyramids & The Ark of The Covenant

21WIRE + Graham Hancock | So many questions are waiting to be answered regarding the lost history of humanity.

Rupert Sheldrake Destroys Dawkins Dillusion in Banned TED-x Talk

Brass Check TV | Modern science has become a conspiracy of ignorance…

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