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Zero Dark Thirty wins ‘Riefenstahl Oscar’ for Best Propaganda Film

Patrick Henningsen | There’s an obvious problem with Kathryn Bigelow’s latest film, so it’s no surprise that it’s bagged this year’s Speer Prize.

Mainstream Media Used Photoshopped Dead Bin Laden Pictures

21WIRE | Why announce Bin Laden’s death now, after all these years in cold storage?

CIA paid Liverpool FC and Boston Red Sox tycoon millions… to use jet for ‘torture’ flights

Mail Online | Sports owners use the same private jet as CIA drug and human traffickers.

The Magic of Bagram: Obama is Bush 2.0

21st Century Wire July 29, 2010 Indeed, Bagram Prison is a magical place, an exotic location where thousands of Afghanis and Arabs can still go and experience a lawless theme park of torture and indefinite detention. Almost two years into the new administration, the Guantanamo Hotel is still open for business as well… and even old Knuckles still has […]

Rendition: Where the War on Terror Meets the War on Drugs

Patrick Henningsen | Americans might ask themselves whether or not practices like indefinite detention, torture, ‘black’ prisons and drug running – makes them proud to fly the stars and stripes.

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