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INTERVIEW: Wyatt Reed – Why MSM, Israeli Lobby Smear Independent Journalists

TNT Radio | MSM and Israeli effort to control and censor any western journalists who dare challenge the Zionist propaganda narrative.

Hillary Clinton: ‘Quoting RT Plays Into Putin’s Hands’

21WIRE | Former secretary of state still thinks Russia is busy working to sow political division in America over Ukraine.

Henningsen: Pushing Back on ‘Global Group Think’

TNT Radio | Don’t get sucked into the technocracy’s latest ‘global response’ to an endless string of ‘global crisis’ narratives.

INTERVIEW: Dustin Stockton – Twitter Files exposes Taylor Lorenz & corruption of MSM

TNT Radio | ‘Twitter Files’ drop by journalist Paul Thacker exposes the seedy side of the mainstream media.

Chauvin Trial Jury Selection Begins Revealing Hyper-Politicized Pool of Jurors

21WIRE | Is anyone surprised to hear this?

Chauvin Trial: National Guard to Play Key Role in ‘Operation Safety Net’ Multi-Agency Fusion Effort

21WIRE | Plan includes law enforcement and National Guard presence to reach its peak during the trial’s closing arguments and verdict.

#ElectionEdge 1: Trump Has Momentum in Key Battleground States – Will It Be Enough?

21WIRE | Everyone wants to know: which way will these key swing states go?

Lendman: ‘Ukrainegate unleashed a blitzkrieg of NYT anti-Trump venom’

21WIRE + Stephen Lendman | ‘Ukrainegate’ is a story put in play by the U.S. intelligence community and boosted by compliant media like the The New York Times.

Disgracebook: ‘Work With Us or Die’

21WIRE + Common Dreams | A senior Facebook executive has told news publishers in Australia to either work with Facebook or die.

Joe Lauria: U.S. Media Whitewashes Gaza Massacre

Joe Lauria | Palestinians didn’t just simply “die” on Monday.

‘Refreshing Breath of Truth’ on Gaza Massacre, Palestine Allowed On-Air

21WIRE + CBS News | Something you almost never see on a major news network — truth-telling about Israel and Palestine.

Paul Manafort Sues ‘Russiagate’ Special Counsel Mueller, DOJ and Deputy AG Rosenstein

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Is this the beginning of the end for this fantasy canard?

Meredith Corp. and Koch Money Buys Time Inc., ‘Left’ Goes Bonkers

21WIRE | The ‘Left’ is outraged at the Koch money flowing into Meredith’s newly expanded media operation.

Have the US, Trump Really Abandoned ‘Regime Change’ in Syria?

Miles Elliott | Mainstream media has reported that Trump is ending CIA support for anti-Assad fighters. However, the conflict is far from over.

SYRIA: Sarin Attack Narrative Destroyed by MIT National Security Expert

21WIRE + Robert Parry | Further evidence that Assad’s use of chemical weapons is a lie.

Bilderberg Waging a ‘War on Information’

21WIRE + Charlie Skelton | One of the items on the agenda this year is “the war on information”. Which side are they on?

IN SYRIA: 21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter

21WIRE.TV | We’re getting out the truth about what is happening here in Syria…

Fake News: The Unravelling of US Empire From Within

Prof. John McMurtry | ‘The Russians are coming’ is returning as the final recourse of smear by an empire on a steady decline.

#MSM Now Accusing ISIS of ‘War Crimes’ (No Kidding)

Patrick Henningsen | After turning a blind eye to US and NATO members arming terrorists in Syria, the media are trying to save face by going after ISIS for ‘war crimes’.

From the Fringe to the Center: #FakeNews in the Context of Left-Right Dialectics

Branko Malić | Will the fringe become a new mainstream? It seems to be the case. But will the new mainstream be any less fake than the old one?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue