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Henningsen: ‘Poland Rethinks ‘Slava Ukraina’

TNT Radio | The US and UK have tried very hard to set Poland against Russia, but is reality finally trumping NATO’s protection racket?

INTERVIEW: Igor Lopatonok – ‘Ukraine & US: Is the Honeymoon Over?’

TNT Radio | Are the West looking for a convenient exit to the failed proxy war against Russia in Ukraine?

INTERVIEW: Tony Gosling – ‘State False Flag Terror is Real’

TNT Radio | Why ‘state false flag terror’ is designed to achieve a political outcome to keep elites in power past their sell-by date.

TURKEY: The Falling from Grace of an Emperor with No Clothes

Niraj Srivastava | The geopolitcal muscle flexing continues in Syria’s boxing ring

Who’s The Fascist? Barack Obama, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

21WIRE | Is Donald Trump a fascist? More importantly, would he be the only one?

Top History Professor: Hitler ESCAPED Germany In 1945

21WIRE + The Express | World leading experts are now confirming those alleged ‘conspiracy theories’.

How Digital Technology Has Helped Unleash a Devastating New Era of Propaganda

Alter Net | “Propaganda always wins,” said Leni Riefenstahl, “if you allow it.”

Why I Fear the Aryan Brotherhood—and You Should, Too

Daily Beast | Law enforcement officers may have a real problem on their hands. They’re being tight-lipped about it, but it’s something they should have been aware of for decades. They had to see it coming.

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