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UK ‘Variant Fears’ Are Over-Hyped Says Leading US Microbiologist

21WIRE | Are European countries panicking and closing their borders based on fake news?

UKC News: Brexit Leads to TPP, Vaccine Confusion, Hancock’s Lockdown Folly

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

UK Media Issues First Rebuke to Gov’t Over Destructive Lockdown Policies

Mail on Sunday | Pushing back against a Government who accuses its people of ‘misbehaving’ by the simple action of living their normal lives.

UKC News: UK Gov’t Corona Deception, Inside Hunter Biden Email Scandal

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen bring you the end of week news round-up.

UK Government Panic As Fraudulent COVID Death Count is Revealed

21WIRE | Tory government now implementing damage control for fear that the wider scale of the statistical fraud might be revealed.

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