Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
The Great Reset transition to a global Green New Deal and the new “financialisation of nature,” which is meant to be paving the way towards a fully-automated Fourth Industrial Revolution – has been exposed in great detail by a number of cutting-edge independent researchers like Cory Morningstar and others.
While these plans are being hatched at the UN and Wall Street level, led by the likes of BlackRock and other powerful players, a brand new multi-trillion dollar green bubble is being inflated, including ‘green’ bond markets, carbon credit trading, and other collateralised green futures and instruments. This is being sold to the public by way of eco-celebrities like AOC, Greta Thunberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, and many others. And so it’s important to note that government policies like lockdowns have accelerated this new green economy, but not on its own merits, rather, by wrecking the existing economy and squeezing out what are now deemed to be nonessential businesses and services, and anything else which falls foul of the post-pandemic New Normal. This constriction will continue, and governments will need to be printing up even more money for corporate bailouts, and also to pay the burgeoning ranks of the unemployed and underemployed not to work.
For the globalists, all of this is a price worth paying, because the inevitable inflationary cycles which have now been set in motion will only negatively effect the lower and middle classes by robbing them of their savings and purchasing power.
The elite and mobile globalist class will not feel the negative economic impact at all, and in fact have seen record gains for those in the favoured digital and ‘essential’ industries. Thanks to all the generous government ‘stimulus’ money over the last two years, the overall net worth of the billionaire class wealth has grown by a quarter to well over $10 trillion, and counting.
Greasing the tracks for this ingenious green juggernaut, is the fashionable “Net Zero” canard – the rhetorical buzzword of choice for virtue-signaling western politicians, their corporate donor class, and the swelling ranks of UN sustainable development bureaucrats.
What most politicians and climate mavens don’t dare admit: that Net Zero is neither green, nor sustainable.
Recent events in Ukraine, and more crucially – the West’s seemingly irrational reaction to it by levying sanctions and halting the certification of the Nordstream 2 natural gas pipeline between Russia and Germany, will only inflict more pain for western consumers.
Make no mistake about it: the current energy crisis has not happened by accident. As this perfect storm is forming, you can be sure that Klaus Schwab is sitting back and marveling at the fireworks in the energy markets, and not at all bothered by the financial pain and suffering being inflicted on working and middle class consumers, for they are merely paying an atonement for man’s past carbon sins. Well, that’s the narrative anyway.
That’s what Build Back Better is all about.
Rob Lyons from Spiked writes about how all of these green policies are actually fuelling the energy crisis…
We have swapped abundant and reliable sources of energy for intermittent renewables.
Energy prices have shot up across the globe over the past few months. Given that prices were very low a year ago in the midst of a global pandemic, a bounceback was inevitable as the world economy went into catch-up mode. However, beneath these short-term trends lies a bigger issue: green policies have pushed energy prices up – and will keep them that way.
UK natural gas prices are up threefold from a year ago. They spiked at 470p per therm on 21 December. Thankfully, a mild Christmas and New Year period, along with the arrival of liquified natural gas (LNG) tankers in Europe from the US, brought prices back down to 171p per therm by last Friday. However, natural-gas storage levels across Europe are low, dependence on supplies from Russia is acute and world demand is high. If the weather turns cold and the wind drops, reducing our production of electricity from wind turbines, then pressure on prices could quickly return. Indeed, the decline in prices may already be over.
What’s more, it’s not just the price of natural gas that has shot up as the world economy has recovered. The benchmark Brent crude-oil price has gone up over the past year, too, from $51 per barrel to $80, which has translated into sharp price increases at the pumps. Meanwhile, with all the demand for natural gas, electricity producers have been switching to coal. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicted record electricity production from coal in a report last month, as well as rising prices for the black stuff.
Under Theresa May’s government, an energy price cap was introduced, ostensibly to prevent energy companies fleecing loyal customers while offering big discounts to those who were prepared to switch suppliers. Right now, there are no cheap deals, because all the energy suppliers are operating at the price-cap level (and losing money hand over fist while they do it). The price cap will certainly rise massively in April when it is due for review. It could rise by as much as 50 per cent, as energy firms demand the opportunity to claw back those losses. Already by early December, 28 UK energy suppliers had gone bust, including the seventh-biggest, Bulb.
Ah, say green campaigners, this just shows the danger of relying on fossil fuels: renewables are a much better bet. Not only are renewables better for the environment, we also won’t have to rely on foreign dictators for our energy supply – we can produce our own energy through wind and solar, they say…
Continue this story at Spiked Online
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