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Lockdowns Were Counterterrorism, Not Public Health

Brownstone Institute | Thanks to Covid, the new bio-defense matrix is trying to amass ever more funding and power by perpetuating this type of non-public health response.

ONE HEALTH – Globalist Path to a One World Order

Freddie Ponton | An introduction to a fully globalized control system which uses ‘public health’ and the environment as the mechanisms to control humanity.

African Journalist: ‘Biden’s Omicron African Travel Ban is Built on a Lie’

21WIRE | African media challenge White House press secretary Jen Psaki over dubious Omicron claims.

White House Using ‘Omicron’ as Excuse for Stricter Covid Testing of Travelers

21WIRE + Free Thought Project | Once again, government officials are claiming that more rules will somehow ‘stop the spread’ of an as yet unproven ‘deadly new variant.’

VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM: ‘Propaganda, 9/11 and The Global War on Terror’

Online Event | Patrick Henningsen hosts this special online conference with academic from around the world – exploring 9/11, its impact and geopolitical legacy 20 years after this historic event.


Brascheck TV | Explained: how the last 100 years explains what is happening today.

France: New Law Would Ban COVID Vaccine Refusers from Using Public Transport

21WIRE | Will the French people submit to the government’s new draconian vaccine laws?

Opaque, Unaccountable: Dangers of the New COVID Bio-Security Complex

Patrick Henningsen | Sweeping changes like this can only be achieved amid a climate of fear.

How UK ‘Track and Trace’ Data from Restaurants is Being Harvested and Sold On

21WIRE | Through this corporate backdoor, aloof customers would have their personal data sold on to a myriad of corporate clients.

Bio-Surveillance: Singapore Issues New Bluetooth Tracking Tags for Citizens

21WIRE | Governments are now rolling out unprecedented global social tracking applications. Where does it end?

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