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New U.S. Research Finds Evidence Linking Monsanto Weedkiller to Cancer

The New Lede | New study unloads another bombshell on this already damaged brand.

Mind Blowing: CDC Forced to Reveal How Deadly the COVID Jab Is

Dr. Joseph Mercola | Not only did the CDC refuse to release the data, but it also provided false information. But eventually, the real information was revealed.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Burzynski: Cancer Cure Cover-Up’ (2016)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

FDA Confirms Widespread Shortages of Adderall

21WIRE | The fact this is being viewed as a negative thing shows what a farce this enterprise has become.

FDA and NIH Expert Warns Young Healthy People Not to Get COVID Booster: ‘There’s No Clear Evidence of Benefit Versus Risk’

21WIRE | This expert is choosing his words carefully about whether children should be lining up for another round of experimental gene therapy.

FDA to Authorize New COVID Booster for Omicron – But No Human Trials, Only Mice

21WIRE | The same oil script being trotted out again, by the usual suspects.

More Jabs: Pfizer, BioNTech Pushing New ‘All Variants’ Covid Vaccine

21WIRE | Just in time for the next winter scare: more fast-track ‘trials’ of the experimental injections.

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Possible Causes of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Dr. Vernon Coleman | If enough clever doctors get in a room together, then who knows – they may just figure this one out.

Parents to FDA: ‘Get Your Hands Off Our Children’

Dr Joseph Mercola | What is really behind this obsessive push to get young children injected with the experimental mRNA gene-jab.

FDA Grants Full Approval of Moderna’s Spikevax COVID Vaccine — Another ‘Bait-and-Switch?’

CHD | This latest scam being run between the FDA and Big Pharma provides a legal liability shield to drugmakers.

Why is Biden Pushing Race-Based Healthcare?

21WIRE | Another example of how reverse discrimination based on race really amounts to ‘collective punishment’.

Japan Now Requires Warning Label on COVID ‘Vaccines’

Dr Joseph Mercola | Japan is standing up for informed consent and medical freedom, at a time in history when many other governments are opting for full totalitarianism.

Russian Roulette: Unproven COVID ‘Vaccine’ Gene Transfer Technology

21WIRE | These are by definition experimental products. Who will ultimately be held responsible?

Dr Leland Stillman Undercover Exposing Pharma and Vaccine Fraud

CHD.TV | This informative interview is essential in understanding the scale of corruption when it comes to the Covid pandemic.

Covid Mindlessness: Why Is This Carcinogen in Hand Sanitizers?

Dr Joseph Mercola | Overuse of hand sanitizers and other disinfectants can backfire – here’s the proof.

Crime: FDA Approved Booster for Minors – Without Testing Boosters on Minors

Techno Fog | This latest debacle shows just how corrupt the FDA has become – ignoring all normal safety protocols in order to help pharmaceutical giant get its experimental product to market.

Pfizer Finally Admits ‘Large Increase’ in COVID Jab Side Effects

21WIRE | How many other countries are engaged in this same kind of administrative fraud? 

High Hypocrisy: How Democrats Flip-Flopped on Vaccine Safety

21WIRE + El Gato Malo | This is the opposite of civilization. It’s barbarism and dictatorial fiat run riot.

FDA Approved New Flu Vaccine for Elderly Will Raise, Not Lower Risk

21WIRE + The Vaccine Court | With all the focus currently about COVID vaccines and their boosters, the CDC is quietly building another vaccine campaign ‘to protect the vulnerable’ from Flu.

FDA-Pfizer’s Gottlieb Admits: ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Definition Will Change to Include Boosters

21WIRE | The question now is: how many of these boosters will ultimately be required? 

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