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Climatism: How Al Gore Stuffed Millions Into His Lockbox While ‘Saving the World’

Jon Rappoport | For elites, power and control is all about convincing populations that a massive intervention is necessary to save all of humanity from ‘a collapse of all life on Earth.’

Where is Biden’s Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does it Exist?

Jon Rappoport | Brazen: are the feds mandating by bluffing?

The Medical Cartel Destroying Millions of Lives is Nothing New

Jon Rappoport | Medically caused deaths of friends, family members, loved ones, who are buried along with the truth.

The Delta Variant and Other Propaganda Fabrications

Jon Rappoport | The vaccine establishment and ‘public health’ officials are pumping up the Delta hoax in order to convince more people to take the unlicensed experimental gene-based cocktail.

History Lesson: When Protestors Took Over Federal Buildings

Jon Rappoport | After the media hysteria subsides, our individual liberty and freedom will remain as paramount as at any time in history.

Death By Killing Old People, Not By COVID—The Basic Deception

Jon Rappoport | It’s now clear from the data that government officials are directly responsible for most of the ‘COVID’ deaths recorded.

Checking the Fact-checkers: Reuters Claims DNA Vaccines Won’t Change Your Genetic Makeup – True or False?

Jon Rappoport | The verdict on the Reuters fact-check team? Fact-checkers checked the wrong box.

Washington State: Residents Who Refuse COVID Test to Be Placed Under House Arrest

21WIRE | Unprecedented dictatorial powers would make any dissenting citizens prisoners in their own homes.

COVID SCIENCE: A Challenge to the Discovery of the Virus

21WIRE + Jon Rappoport | Is the entire coronavirus narrative a house of cards?

Rappoport: ‘CNN Already Deflecting From the Susan Rice Scandal’

Jon Rappoport | Many hands had to be involved throughout the Obama administration to launch such a political spying program.

An Independent Army: ‘It’s the poets who destroy the old order’

21WIRE + Jon Rappoport | The artists and poets will challenge the oppressive mechanisms of the ‘old order’.

The Artist Against the System Down Through Time

Jon Rappoport | Because one day you’ll be sick and tired of bowing and scraping before a pedestal of nonsense.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue