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Browse this curated archive of CIA related articles, stories, and films, detailing the various clandestine operations and schemes carried out by corporate America's own private secret intelligence and international criminal racketeering arm... 

CIA: “Verschärfte Vernehmung!” (That’s Nazi for ‘enhanced interrogation’)

21WIRE + The Atlantic | It’s time to put Washington’s torture apologists in their correct position.

TORTURE REPORT: What the CIA and Washington Are Really Hiding

IN THE NOW | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen lists the real stories behind the ‘Torture’ controversy.

HARDLY ZEN: Top 5 Obama War Crimes Since His Nobel Peace Prize

21WIRE + RT | Obama has taken anything but a Zen approach to foreign policy.

Some Americans Just Love Secret Torture

Truthstream Media | Bush Mythology: ‘America just has to commit heinous and disgusting war crimes to protect Americans.’

EXCLUSIVE: CIA Spent $40 million, Hacked Senate Computers to Suppress Torture Report

Patrick Henningsen | Senator: “The CIA pulled out all the stops to prevent this from coming out.”

Hot Mic: Jen Psaki loses it after her State Dept propaganda gaffe

21WIRE + RT | Flippant outbursts show the amateurism in Washington, but the Vaudeville Show of State Dept briefings.

Team America: ISIS is ‘McCain’s Army’

21WIRE + Tony Cartalucci | Like many before them, ISIS is functioning as a US-controlled covert paramilitary force, who have grown out of control.

REVEALED: Secrets, Methods Behind The #ISIS Social Media Wave

21WIRE + Iyad Barakat | Essential reading for anyone interested in what’s driving the dark digital wave of the ‘Islamic State’.

ISIS THEATRE: Jihadi John’s Execution of Peter Kassig ‘Emerges’ as Neocons Push For War

21WIRE + Daily Mail | Jihadi John is back on camera, but still no actual evidence that a murder was committed.

NATO’s Nazis: Ethnic Cleansing Their Opposition in East Ukraine

Eric Zuesse | US are backing a violent, far-right, systematic massacre in eastern Ukraine (WARNING: shocking images).

Addicted to Lies: Kiev, CIA Still Pushing Fake Reports of ‘Russia Invading Ukraine’

21WIRE + RT | The old lie that NATO is merely a “security alliance” is beginning to disintegrate rapidly, as western war games become dangerous.

EBOLA HOAX EXPOSED: The Reality Behind America’s Dreadful Campaign Of Fear

Shawn Helton | Ebola is on the back-burner for now, but the idea of a pandemic is subliminally dialed into your psyche.

Why Americans Are Still Stuck on The Oswald ‘Lone Gunman’ Narrative

21WIRE + Story Leak | Why are Americans so married to the lone gunman explanation to this and other high-profile murders?

‘SAND PIRATES’: Are ISIS America’s 21st Century Terror Privateers?

Patrick Henningsen + Tony Cartalucci | It’s now imperative that people around the world spread the truth faster than the West can spread its chaos.

CIA Propaganda War: Did ISIS Mortars Really Hit US Embassy In Baghdad?

21WIRE | Make no mistake, this is a propaganda war.

Controlling the American Mind: The Viral Liturgical Psychodrama

Jay Dyer | More Fruit Bat terrorists, and other boogymen for a 21st century audience.

Legal Fiasco: British Prosecutors Fail to Charge ‘Gitmo Survivor’ Moazzam Begg with Terrorism

21WIRE + The Guardian | Britain’s latest botched terror trial has further dented public confidence in the state’s ability to be an honest dispenser of justice.

NATO Oversteps Its Charter Again, Running Guns and Weapons to the Ukraine

21WIRE | While a ceasefire has been reached in Eastern Ukraine and hostilities have ceased, NATO has seized the opportunity to inject more tension by openly trafficking arms on to Russia’s doorstep.

Devil’s Deal: US-Backed Syrian Rebels Already Signed Pact with ISIS Prior to Haines ‘Beheading’

21WIRE + RT | The Syrian rebels have already aligned themselves with ISIS in order to take out the Syrian government.

A Western Media Production: It’s ‘Springtime for Russophobia’

The Soul of the East | If you believe Washington is ‘Hollywood for ugly people,’ then you know the show must go on.

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