Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
Things got even hotter this afternoon in Washington in the wake of today’s release of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s now infamous ‘Torture Report‘.
Struggling to control the CIA’s crumbling torture narrative, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, attempted to derail US Senator Diane Feinstein today live on CNN, by interrupting the Senator repeatedly, insinuating that the report was wrong, almost acting as an apologist for Washington’s 13 year-long torture boondoggle.
What followed in their exchange is some of the most explosive revelations yet…
DI-FI ACCESS: Senator Feinstein swamped by the US and world media today.
Feinstein went on to drop the biggest bombshell yet, stating, “The CIA spent $40 million dollars to prevent us from issuing this report. That is fact. We did not spend the money, we used our staff to do this report.”
She then accused the CIA of foul play, explaining, “They went into our computers, literally, to take out information, not once, not twice, but three times. I believe that this is a separation of powers violation”.
“This to me shows that the CIA pulled out all the stops to prevent this from coming out.”
Blitzer dutifully continued pumping up CIA chief John Brennan, whom Blitzer proudly referred to as, “a man I know”, citing Brennan’s highly dubiously claim that torture, “continues to inform our counter-terrorism efforts to this day”.
Feinstein flatly rebuffed the Brennan statement. “An an examination of these records going back to the beginning of the program, indicates that this is simply not true”.
Feinstein also went on to describe how ‘tapes were burned’, and challenged anyone who disagrees with the report’s findings to go and actually examine the evidence inside it.
Blitzer went on with the usual media strawman tactic, asking the Senator, “Are you saying he’s lying?”
Blitzer pressed forward with the fairly fictional claim that somehow, intelligence gleaned from torture helped to capture and kill Osama bin Laden, in Abbotabad, Pakistan in 2011. Currently, the CIA is currently hanging their whole “intelligence mosaic”, as well as the justification for its torture policy, on an alleged ‘courier’ for bin Laden.
In a true ‘Wag the Dog’ moment, in the absence of any real evidence (no photos, or videos released) of the Abbottabad raid, CNN opted for the next best thing as their historical record – a Hollywood film. With an official-sounding voice over running alongside a clip from the fictional film Zero Dark Thirty, this unbelievable line was delivered:
“This interrogation depicted in the Hollywood blockbuster ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ is believed to be that of Ammar al–Baluchi a dentainee who the CIA says, told them that al Kuwaiti was bin Laden’s courier”.
Feinstein’s Senate Intelligence Committee spent nearly five years reading and studying more than 6.3 million pages of CIA documents, including memos, reports, cables and chat, in order to assess the agency’s “enhanced interrogation techniques” and rendition practices employed after September 11, 2001. The 6,000 page review was condensed to a 525-page summary which the committee released today.
Accusations that this report was a purely partisan effort to ‘discredit the Bush administration’ doesn’t completely stand-up to scrutiny either, especially after Secretary of State John Kerry personally phoned Dianne Feinstein, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Friday morning asking her not to release her report on CIA torture and rendition.
Regarding the President himself, Barack Obama’s biggest hurdles will now be defending his personal policy which prescribes actually killing detainees, rather than torturing them.
Since taking Office, Obama has sanctioned approximately 2,400 murders through JSCOC and CIA covert drone programs.
Intelligence Committee member Senator James Risch (R), explains, “They’re not picking up prisoners anymore. When a subject is identified, they are droned.”
Indeed, #BrownLivesMatter (Arabs) too, right?
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