21WIRE + Daily Mail | Jihadi John is back on camera, but still no actual evidence that a murder was committed.
ISIS THEATRE: Jihadi John’s Execution of Peter Kassig ‘Emerges’ as Neocons Push For War
Filed Under: Featured, International News, Middle East, Shawn Helton, VGC Tagged With: Adel Abdul Bary, Al Qaeda, CIA, Daily Shooter, false flag, ISIS, WAR ON TERROR
Babar Ahmad Extradition: ‘RIP British Justice’ – But What About Those British Intelligence ‘Informants’ ?
Patrick Henningsen | “R.I.P.” British Justice. What’s next?
Filed Under: International News, INTERNET FREEDOM, Patrick Henningsen, Uncategorized Tagged With: 7/7, 911 FILES, Abdel Bary, Abu Hamza, Adel Abdul Bary, Babar Ahmad, Bin Laden, CIA, Daily Shooter, Finsbury Park Mosque, Haroon Rasheed Aswat, Khaled al-Fawwaz, MI5, Osama bin Laden, Syed Talha Ahsan