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Hot Mic: Jen Psaki loses it after her State Dept propaganda gaffe

21st Century Wire says…

In Washington, the propaganda is so bad, even the propagandists are getting sick of reading it.

The latest gaffe by President Obama’s ‘C Team’ in the flailing US State Department saw a rare moment of brevity by none other than Jen Psaki, who went into meltdown after having to read one of the worst pieces of propaganda generated yet by Psaki’s script writers…

CHEERLEADER: Psaki was picked to lead the White House cheerleading squad for regime change in Ukraine.

Psaki was told by her information ministers to read this meaningless platitude regarding the fate of ex-President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt: 

“Generally, we continue to believe that upholding impartial standards of accountability will advance the political consensus on which Egypt’s long-term stability and economic growth depends”.  

As if to say, ‘Ahh, I can’t do this anymore!’, like an ingénue storming off stage after another actor stepped on her line – Paski can be heard at the very end of this video saying, “That Egypt line is ridiculous.”… 

Not to be outdone in the Battle of the Debutantes, Psaki is flanked by Deputy Assistant Spokesperson, a CIA-trained propagandist and America’s second highest-ranking sorority sister, Marie Harf, who has been known to lose it if any questions were not on her ‘list’. The result is that she continues to be an embarrassment to the United States government and continues to be the butt of endless jokes.

Watch one of her many epic meltdowns here:

More than anything, these outbursts show not only the level of amateurism endemic throughout Washington’s bureaucracy today, but it also shows how the whole dog and pony, Vaudeville Show aspect of State Department briefings these days – has become one big joke internationally.

Meanwhile, Washington propagandists continue to provide window dressing in an all-out push towards a newly polarized, world at war. This week’s US Congressional pre-declaration of war against Russia only proves this thesis.

The sooner this ‘C Team’ exits from power, the better off we’ll be…


US ‘ridiculous’ line on Egypt? Jen Psaki caught on hot mic


US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki has been caught on a hot mic calling one of her prepared statements about the acquittal of Egypt’s ex-leader Hosni Mubarak “ridiculous.”

During a press briefing on Monday, AP journalist Matt Lee asked Psaki to comment on an Egyptian court’s decision to acquit former President Hosni Mubarak of murder.

READ MORE: State Dept Sideshow: Jen Psaki’s most entertaining grillings (VIDEO)

The State Department spokesperson attempted to dodge the question with a convoluted platitude.

“Generally, we continue to believe that upholding impartial standards of accountability will advance the political consensus on which Egypt’s long-term stability and economic growth depends,” she said on camera.

Reporters, including Lee, did not find that satisfying, but Psaki evaded their questions, saying she would not comment further.

“What does that mean?” a flummoxed voice can be heard asking.

“Wow. I don’t understand that at all,” the bemused Lee pushes. “What you said says nothing. It’s like saying ‘We support the right of people to breathe.’ That’s great, but if you can’t breathe.”

As the conference comes to an end and the lights dim, Psaki — seemingly unaware that her microphone is still on — suddenly goes off script…

Continue this story at RT.com

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