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Team America: ISIS is ‘McCain’s Army’

21WIRE + Tony Cartalucci | Like many before them, ISIS is functioning as a US-controlled covert paramilitary force, who have grown out of control.

Ukrainian Protesters Encircle US Embassy: ‘Yankees Go Home!’

21WIRE + RT | Ukraine protesters are getting smarter…

RT Interview with Patrick Henningsen: ‘Ukraine is being blackmailed into EU’

21WIRE + RT | John McCain continues to be a national embarassment to Americans. Now he’s threatening the Ukraine.

A Ray of Hope: John McCain faces a recall petition in Arizona over his immigration antics

21wire+Examiner | The ‘gang of eight’ are laughing as they sell the USA down river, but voters are now biting back.

Syria says rebels insurgents would ‘take years’ to match army’s strength

21st Century Wire | Suspect western leaders are trying to sell the same old chestnut in Syria…

Organizing for Action struggles to move the needle on Obama’s agenda

Washington Post | President Obama’s supporters are discovering that winning a national election is easier than winning over Congress.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue