Kurt Nimmo | Drugs and guns – a CIA love story. But who is Gulbuddin Hekmatyar?
Steady Stream of Drug Money Departs Afghanistan, U.S. Officials Flummoxed
Peter Dale Scott Explains the ‘Deep State’ and US Drug-Assisted Wars
UC Berkley Professor Peter Dale Scott explains how a US President does not choose “the mindset” of Washington’s foreign policy, rather, Washington’s ‘Deep State’ really chooses the people who become President. Characteristics of the present Deep State are repeated involvement in numerous Drug-Assisted Wars around the globe. Obama’s government will simply continue the word started […]
Dead Osama Bin Laden: Climate Change Warrior
Kurt Nimmo | The Osama as ‘tree hugger’ audio is the second from the dead terror leader and CIA asset in a week.
Rendition: Where the War on Terror Meets the War on Drugs
Patrick Henningsen | Americans might ask themselves whether or not practices like indefinite detention, torture, ‘black’ prisons and drug running – makes them proud to fly the stars and stripes.
Lethal Moron: Danny Glover Blames Haiti Earthquake on ‘Climate Change’
By Patrick Henningsen As Haiti realizes its damage and death toll from this week’s catastrophic earthquake, Hollywood’s well-intentioned globalist cheerleaders are lining up to seize on the political opportunity, this time laying blame for the natural disaster on a likely culprit… global warming and climate change. During his recent interview on GritTV, Hollywood actor and […]
FLASHBACK: Al Gore Calls for End to Santa’s “Irresponsible” Travel Itinerary
Editor’s Note: Still scathing from last season’s swiftboat attack by Al Gore, we are told Santa will come out swinging this Christmas 2010. This week on Christmas Eve, the North Pole are set to release a formal statement about last week’s UN Climate Summit in Cancun, things could get messy. In case you missed it… By Nicholas “Pete” Petersen 21st Century Wire Special Report from […]
Climate Skeptics Give Greenpeace a Dose of Their Own Medicine in Copenhagen
Patrick Henningsen | Somehow, Greenpeace began abandoning scientific objectivity in favor of political agendas.
Arnold Arrives in Copenhagen for Final Push Towards Global Government
Patrick Henningsen | Clearly, a recipe for fraud and fiat money laundering on a scale which mankind has never witnessed before.
Christopher Monckton vs Greenpeace
UK’s Lord Christopher Monckton interviews Greenpeace in Copenhagen, simply an amazing video piece and an exhibition of common sense vs faith-based Climatology.
Tony Blair Arrives in Time for Snow Storm in Copenhagen
Patrick Henningsen | Judging by historical record, it seems that Climate Change and the Iraq War have much in common after all.
Copenhagen Climate Negotiations “Suspended”
Joe Weisenthal The Business Insider December 14, 2009 Posted on Infowars.com Like just about every other big, international conference, from world trade to human rights, it appears the Copenhagen climate summit has ended in a complete fiasco. BBC: Negotiations at the UN climate summit have been suspended after the African group withdrew co-operation. African delegations […]
Good Natured Violence Gets A Taste Of Reality In Copenhagen
Editor’s note: Mind you, although we aim to stay serious and focused on the issues at hand, here is a dry humourous(and good natured) commentary of the modern folly performance we have come to know as COP15. Dan Majestic writes from Copenhagen: There is a sense of disbelief and anger hanging in the air in […]
Short Film: “Hopenhagen”
A short film from Copenhagen featuring Lord Christopher Monckton and Professor Ian Pilmer. See all our films and video interviews at our You Tube Channel: 21st Century Wire TV
Patrick Henningsen | Most ‘climate activists’ have little or no idea what they are doing in Copenhagen this week.
‘Increase Your Carbon Footprint’
Butler Shaffer Information Liberation December 11, 2009 (Excerpt )… Until the collapse of the Soviet Union, the “communist menace” was sufficient to get Americans to part with their liberties, wealth, and intelligent judgment; to support the corporate-state in its fear- and war-mongering ventures. But with the disappearance of this bogus threat, a new peril had […]
COP15: A Neo-colonial Climate Regime Revealed
Patrick Henningsen | If only we could see through that innocent child’s eyes and know that the global warming emperor has no clothes.
Copenhagen’s Climate Change Titanic Heading for An Iceberg
By Patrick Henningsen 10th December 2009 Correspondent in Copenhagen In the wake of COP15’s infamous Danish Text Leak this week, politicians are now showing their true dictatorial colours and designs on implementing the initial plans of a world government through the Copenhagen Treaty. The leak detailed a backroom deal between political elites, including officials from […]
“Hopenhagen” Hopes to Set its Global Agenda
Patrick Henningsen | UN slogans line Copenhagen’s billboards and public spaces, technocrats gather to sell-off sovereignty.