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Copenhagen’s Climate Change Titanic Heading for An Iceberg

By Patrick Henningsen

10th December 2009

Correspondent in Copenhagen

In the wake of COP15’s infamous Danish Text Leak this week, politicians are now showing their true dictatorial colours and designs on implementing the initial plans of a world government through the Copenhagen Treaty. The leak detailed a backroom deal between political elites, including officials from the US, UK and Denmark, which has sought to reverse the original Kyoto agreement where the first world nations had to pick up the bill for alleged climate reparations, and instead raising their own emissions restrictions and make the developing countries cap theirs. A classic ‘bait-and-switch’ at the eleventh hour, evidently at the expense of the developing nations.

Yet, many international delegates here appear to be under no illusions that any meaningful long-term agreement draft next week will be of little consequence if the US cannot sell it back to their constituents at home. US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) administrator Lisa Jackson appeared yesterday at the UN Climate Change Summit to assure the international community that the EPA will not let democracy get in the way of regulating the deadly toxic gas known as carbon dioxide at home. Her “endangerment” declaration means that CO2 will still be subject to intense regulation under the Clean Air Act, giving the White House executive power to limit CO2 emissions- even if Congress does not pass a definitive climate bill in 2010.

EPA’s Jackson received applause from the audience, but critics and opponents of carbon emissions trading schemes, see it as just the latest episode in what has become a systematic failure of the World’s Developed economies to convince the Third World that a Copenhagen agreement will be in their long term interests.

Barun Mitra, Director of The Liberty Institute in New Delhi, India explains, “Developing countries are naturally sceptical about how much will really come out of this conference. Many people characterise this political divide as one of ‘rich countries vs poor countries’, but in reality what we have is a section of the elite in rich countries colluding with a section of the elite in poor countries making policy decisions that have a negative effect on the average person.”

Mitra adds, “There is a classic divide about what gets talked about at these type of international conferences and what can actually be implemented once leaders of go back to their respective countries. In actuality, Climate Change is not really a key domestic issue for China and India, but economic growth is. Economic growth is still the top priority for developing countries.”

Green Protests Planned

Supporters of Copenhagen’s global government agenda to save the world from a global warming doomsday are also heavy reliant on green activists and have even drafted in the help of anarchists and anti-capitalist protestors who are gathering in their hundreds near the City’s Klima Forum site. Protestors will spend the weekend in meetings to organise and prepare for a series of mass demonstrations and incursions on the official UN Summit venue at Bella Centre. Most “Climate Action” activist groups present here in Copenhagen, however untrustworthy of their Western leaders’ ability to cut a fair deal with poor Third World nations, seem to trust the UN implicitly when it comes to the science laid out by the IPCC. At the same time, elite representitives in attendance from the Third World are at loggerheads with Western elites about what their carbon emissions caps will be. Ironically, all sides in this showdown appear to be at their respective polar ends of the green power spectrum, in the end all three sides have fallen for the same discredited, global warming scientific alarmism that underpins each and every policy which will come out of the UN conference.

Piers Corbyn, Director of Weather Action illustrates this irony saying, “Real green activist and real environmentalists need to think about getting off of this climate change Titanic- before it ends up hitting the iceberg of truth and bringing them down with it.”

What will follow next week is sure to be another surreal and ridiculous chapter in the folly we have come to know as COP15.

New Film from Copenhagen: A challenging discussion about the science and politics of Climate Change…
– Part 1 –
Climate Sceptics or Climate Realists

– Part 2-
Climate Sceptics or Climate Realists

– Part 3
Climate Sceptics or Climate Realists



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