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Patrick Henningsen is an American writer, accredited journalist, global affairs analyst, co-founder and executive editor of 21st Century Wire, host of the SUNDAY WIRE weekly radio show & podcast which broadcasts globally over the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR), and the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio International, and former co-host of the UK Column News TV program. His work has appeared in a number of international publications and on TV channels globally. Patrick has an MA in International Relations from the University of Plymouth in the UK, and over the last decade he has worked on the ground covering politics and global affairs in North America and Europe, as well as work in conflict zones in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon (Photo: taken in Aleppo, Syria 2017). See more at: www.patrickhenningsen.com

Why Attacking Iran Will NOT Work in 2012

Patrick Henningsen | Any nuclear conflagration by the US or Israel would most certainly result in a global backlash against the West – at its worst acting as a procession into the hot stages of World War III – but it won’t happen this year.

INFOWARS NIGHTLY NEWS: Host Alex Jones talks with Patrick Henningsen

Patrick Henningsen | Alex Jones talks to Infowars and 21st Century Wire editor Patrick Henningsen about the year’s big stories.


21WIRE + RT | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen explains what is really happening in Syria right now – and why still Libya matters.

While Blood Flows in Cairo, Arab League Call Their Meeting To Discuss… Syria?

Patrick Henningsen | The Arab League has shown itself to be nothing more than a passive functionary of US and NATO nation interests in the Middle East.

Arab Winter: US-Backed Military Junta in Egypt Was Always The Plan

Patrick Henningsen | There will be no help on the way from the beacons of democracy in the west.

Here’s the Risk: Occupy Ends Up Doing the Bidding of the Global Elite

Patrick Henningsen | With men like George Soros in the background, it’s fairly easy for ‘grassroots’ campaigns to become co-opted.

‘Occupy Messiah’: ‘Do as we say, not as we do’, says Obama

Patrick Henningsen | Washington still felt it was somehow ‘winning’ when they went on to demand that both Libya and Syria to ‘show restraint’ and let ‘democracy’ take it’s natural course.

Washington’s agenda revealed: NTC rebels asking NATO to ‘stay in Libya’

Patrick Henningsen | “The Liberation of Libya”, to be divided up by a series of multinational companies, with US and European military contractors at the trough.

Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement marches straight off the globalist cliff

Patrick Henningsen | In typically disingenuous fashion, when a mob has no clear objective it normally plays follow the leader.

‘SYRIA HERE WE COME’: Patrick Henningsen 2011 interview on THE ALEX JONES SHOW

Patrick Henningsen | Expect another civil war in Syria, with US-backed Jihadis heading in to fight Assad.

Decline of the West: Blood-lust in the streets of Libya suffices for justice

Patrick Henningsen | Libya’s former leader was never afforded the same trial that anyone reading this article would expect as their god-given right.

Obama’s Great African Military Safari

Patrick Henningsen | Whether Obama becomes either a one term or two term President- after it’s all said and done, he will be remembered as Kenya’s only begotten son, who sold out Africans to his globalist overlords.

‘Climate Crazies’ hope to piggy-back on Occupy London OLSX this weekend

Patrick Henningsen | Occupy is up and running, and the climate nuts are hoping to take it over.

OCCUPY: Mindless Americans Falling Prey to ‘New Revolution Business’ and Collectivist Trap?

Patrick Henningsen | Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests have pioneered a technique dubbed as “The People’s Microphone” – and it’s mind control for the masses.

NATO’s Destabilization of Libya: Patrick Henningsen reports on Russia Today

Patrick Henningsen | The West is just carving up Libya.

NATO PR David Cameron at UN Promoting More ‘Humanitarian Interventions’

Patrick Henningsen | David Cameron running around Manhattan trying to promote this template for a criminal enterprise.

Now US Puppet Regime in Iraq is Calling for a ‘Regime Change’ in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | The key word here is “destabilization”.

SOLARGATE: Obama’s Big Green Scandal That Won’t Go Away

Patrick Henningsen | Solyndra did not manage to create any new ‘green jobs’.

Global Warmists Are Turning to Wacky Victorian Inventions to Save the Earth

Patrick Henningsen | Climate jihadists believe that quacky, geoengineering can somehow “save the planet”.

New York Times hits out at ‘climate denier’ Rick Perry

Patrick Henningsen | Gore and Perry – what a combination…

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