Patrick Henningsen | In typically disingenuous fashion, when a mob has no clear objective it normally plays follow the leader.
Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement marches straight off the globalist cliff
Filed Under: International News, Patrick Henningsen, Uncategorized Tagged With: 2009 UN COP15 Climate Summit, Ad Busters, Al Gore, Bono, climate change, Copenhagen, cultural marxism, cut spending, end the fed, G20 France, General Assembly, George Soros, IRS, Occupy Movement, OccupyLSX, OWS, Polar Bears, Robin Hood Tax, Ron Paul, social programs, Tobin Tax, World Bank
Global Warming: Nine out of ten Polar Bears disagree
Filed Under: Energy, International News, Uncategorized Tagged With: Al Gore, Arctic Ice Caps, can't swim, Climategate, global cooling, IPCC, Polar Bears