21WIRE | A historic breakthrough in diplomacy has left many hopefully that real stability and peace may now return to the region.
Saudis Confirm Non-Dollar Oil Trade Plans at Davos
Zero Hedge | Is it really dusk for the petrodollar, and dawn for the petroyuan?
Gulf States Defy Biden with Assad Visit and Relations With Russia
Steven Sahiounie | Undoubtedly, this is causing panic in Washington and London.
Saudi Beheads 81 Citizens in a Single Day, Then Deploys Security Forces to Quell Protests
21WIRE | Rights groups are no longer convinced of claims by bin Salman that the country was overhauling its justice system to limit use of the death penalty.
The Qatari Conundrum: A Saudi Message to Turkey and Iran
Dr. Can Erimtan | The next moves by Turkey and Saudi Arabia could set the world on fire and turn the New Cold War into a very hot conflict going forward.
Gulf Crisis: On Fast Track to War
Marwa Osman | The confluence of recent events suggests that a US-Saudi-Tel Aviv effort is underway to isolate Iran, and that means the danger for a wider war in the region has never been more pronounced.
Gulf Monarchies Sacrifice Neighbor Qatar as “Sponsor of Terrorism”
21WIRE | Qatar has been singled-out, scapegoated and exiled from the community of Gulf Monarchies.
Trump and Salman’s Folly: After Riyadh Summit, ‘Sunni Unity’ Crumbles
Sharmine Narwani | The latest effort to bulldoze through a “Sunni consensus” under the umbrella of “Saudi-American power” has ended in failure.
Is Saudi Arabia Bombing Its Own Citizens?
Marwa Osman | It is perfectly fine for humans to get killed by rogue regimes and homes to be raided using excessive force, as long as at the end of the day business is going well.
FRAMING SYRIA? Chemical Attack Evidence Lacking, Putin Warns Of ‘False Flags’ – MIT Professor Says Report Not Correct
21WIRE + Robert Parry | Declassified US intelligence cites a ‘pro-opposition’ group on social media as its primary source of the alleged chemical attack.
(VIDEO) YEMEN: Houthi Militia Hit Saudi Battleship in the Red Sea
21WIRE | This incident comes amid a backdrop of increasing US involvement in the illegal war against Yemen.
Falling Apart: West’s Media-Driven Deception in Syria
21WIRE + Sputnik | Washington has dug such a deep hole with regards to its sponsorship of the dirty war in Syria that it simply cannot get out without losing face internationally – and domestically.
REVERSAL OF FORTUNE? ‘Sunni Jihadis’ Bomb Saudi Holy Mosque?
21WIRE | As we said last week, a wave of GLADIO-style terror is definitely on the cards this summer.
YEMEN: UN Whitewashing Saudi Coalition War Crimes and International Human Rights Violations.
Vanessa Beeley | Yemen: The UN stands accused of whitewashing and facilitating Saudi-led coalition war crimes & grave human rights violations against the Yemeni people.
(VIDEO) Yemen’s Forgotten People in a Forgotten War
21WIRE + ITV | For some, war is simply good for business.
Suspicious Weapon Shipment from Turkey to Lebanon SEIZED as Saudis Call Hezbollah ‘Terrorists’
21WIRE | Was a coup d’état just inadvertently avoided in Lebanon thanks to Greek port authorities?
Saudi Arabian Mufti: ISIS-Daesh Militants are ‘Israeli Soldiers’
21WIRE + Sputnik | Is the net beginning to close in on Israel’s involvement in supporting terror ops Syria and Iraq?
Saudi Jurisprudence: Plans to Behead and CRUCIFY Teenage Protester Ignored by Obama, Cameron
21WIRE + ABC/CNN | The disgusting greed and hypocrisy of the US and Britain is laid bare in this tragic story.
Bumper Year: Beheadings, Executions Reach All-time High in Saudi Arabia
21WIRE + The Independent | If you really want to know where ISIS gets its inspiration, look no further.
Did Saudi Pressure Cause New York Times to Change Its ‘Negative’ Headline?
21WIRE | Are US media outlets changing headlines or stories under pressure from foreign governments?