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Assange: ‘Crazed Clinton Campaign Tried to Hack WikiLeaks’

21WIRE + RT | “Everyday that you publish is a day that you have the initiative in the conflict.”

New Bill Gates AI-powered ‘Evolv’ Body Scanners will ‘inspect’ Americans in public spaces

Mark Harris | Beta testing set to begin in Los Angeles, Denver and Washington for ‘Total Recall-style’ high-speed body scanners.

After The 2016 Election: A Gullible and Shattered America

David Kerans | Many millions will agree that the choice between Hillary and Trump is a bitter one at best, but no matter who wins, we will struggle to reform a failing system.

REVEALED: The Dark Agenda Behind Globalization and Open Borders

Brandon Smith | The people behind globalism are tied together by an ideology which mimics a cult-like religion.

Boiler Room EP #80 – Heads They Win, Tails You Lose

Alternate Current Radio | Hesh, Spore, Dyer, Spaulding, Howe and Randy J. bringing their special brand of current events analysis from ACR & the Boiler crew

‘Intl Community Still Financing, Protecting Terrorists’ – Mother Agnes, Vanessa Beeley on Syria

Mother Agnes-Mariam + Vanessa Beeley | Setting straight the lies and deception of the US, UK and French funded media campaigns.

Clinton’s ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Syria Will Not “Save Lives” – It Will Lead to War with Russia

Prof Michel Chossudovsky | A deluded Clinton still believes that a “No Fly Zone’ will “save lives” in Syria.

Paul Craig Roberts: ‘By Cooperating with Washington on Syria & Russia Walked Into a Trap’

Paul Craig Roberts | Washington’s provocation and demonization of Russia have brought trust between the nuclear powers close to zero.

Insider Firm ‘FlashPoint’ tied to Orlando Shooting, Now Investigating DDoS Hack on America

Shawn Helton | Flashpoint operates as an intelligence asset, in addition to playing a PR role for some recent large-scale incidents – but who are they really?

ISIS Carries Out Massacres in Mosul, Meanwhile US Obscures Its Own ‘Collateral Damage’

21WIRE + RT | The Mosul operation is a perfect example of a stage-managed, Pentagon-run media event.

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Bernie Delegate Reveals Why He Fled Democratic Party for the Greens

Stuart J Hooper | Here’s what happened when Bernie Sanders hit the western college campuses on to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

Jay Dyer – Tragedy & Hope 7: Cold War PsyOps & the Bomb Almighty

Jay Dyer | This is one of the most important sections of Tragedy and Hope – a must-listen!

Trump’s Latest Tease Pales Next to Bush and Gore’s Election War in 2000

21WIRE | Remember the 2000 Presidential race between Bush and Al Gore? It wasn’t just contested, it was all-out war.

‘No Fly Zone’ Propaganda: Crocodile Tears for the ‘Children of Aleppo’

21WIRE + Truthstream Media | There is a new ‘humanitarian’ group think which has taken over the US and European mainstream media.

US Twisting Reality: ‘Good Deaths in Mosul, Bad Deaths in Aleppo’

Robert Parry | The West have twisted reality with its ‘Aleppo’ narrative, while they try to sanitise their own Mosul narrative.

SUNDAY SCREENING: In the Name of the Profit (2016)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Documentary crew investigates a Syrian town after ISIS has left. What they find is stunning.

Episode #157 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Neoliberal Hunger Games’ with guests Dady Chery, Tom Duggan

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Russia-WikiLeaks Conspiracy Theory: “Clinton claim ridiculous, based on lazy US Twitter culture”

Patrick Henningsen | Now Hillary Clinton has gone all-in on the anti-Russian hysterical circus, as she prepares her own scapegoat.

Music Meets Science: ‘The Jazz of Physics’

Stephon Alexander | The unlikely connection between John Coltrane and Albert Einstein.

INTERVIEW: Sheikh Imran Hosein on ISIS, Russia and the CIA Jihad in Syria

Sheikh Imran Hosein | All roads lead to Damascus, the Crimea, and Jerusalem.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue