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INTERVIEW: Sheikh Imran Hosein on ISIS, Russia and the CIA Jihad in Syria

Sheikh Imran Hosein | All roads lead to Damascus, the Crimea, and Jerusalem.

SYRIA: ‘Rebels’ Fabricate Child Victims to Sell Western Intervention & Regime Change

21WIRE + IN THE NOW | “Why does the media want us to cry for some dead Syrian kids but not others?”

SOPA False Flag? Alleged ‘Hack’ on Netflix, Twitter, Amazon – US ready to blame Russia

Shawn Helton | Will Russia be the scapegoat for this latest massive DDoS attack in the US?

Congressman Jim Jordan stops CNN gatekeeper Chris Cuomo on Benghazi cover-up

21WIRE | Once again, Operation Mockingbird has been deployed to bury another damaging White House scandal.

COVER-UP: Both Obama and Clinton Lied About Trading Classified Emails

21WIRE | Both Obama and Clinton appear to be above the law, and not subject to the same rules as their ‘lessers’ in Washington.

Obama’s Legacy: Washington is Lying About ISIS, and Lying About Syria

21WIRE + Truthstream Media | Lies, lies, and more lies. All paid for by the US taxpayer.

SHOCKING: DNC Contractor Caught in Voter Fraud Sting Visited White House 342 Times

21WIRE+ Zero Hedge | Clinton linked firm caught in voter fraud sting met with White House officials.

Still No Shame: Five Year Anniversary of NATO’s Illegal Destruction of Libya

Patrick Henningsen | US and NATO have uses R2P as an end-run around actual International Law.

The White Helmets “Black Record”: Vanessa Beeley Talks to RT About French Gov’t Collusion with Al Qaeda Linked Group

Vanessa Beeley | France seeking to revive its colonial past through White Helmet fifth columnists protecting French interests in Syria

SYRIA: Russia Sets Up Outposts to Fight ISIS Terrorists Deploying from Iraq

21WIRE + South Front | Some reports indicate that US-led coalition’s warplanes may be avoiding to bomb ISIS terrorist convoys moving from Iraqi to Syria.

US and Ecuador deny conspiring to take Julian Assange offline

The Guardian | US says claims John Kerry asked Ecuador to ‘block’ internet access to prevent WikiLeaks impacting election are ‘untrue.’

VIDEO: Watch James O’Keefe Easily Obtain Eminem’s Election Ballot in Undercover Sting

21WIRE + Project Veritas | This could be why the Democrat Party is opposed to any voter ID regulations in America.

CIA GATEKEEPER? CNN’s Chris Cuomo says Americans are ‘criminals’ for reading WikiLeaks’ Clinton email dump

21WIRE | Is CNN’s Chris Cuomo involved in a ‘Operation Mockingbird’ media program?

‘Anti-Russia’ Escalation? Plans for New US Marine Base in Norway

21WIRE + RT | The reason given: “To improve their ability respond rapidly to potential Russian aggression.”

Russia Reports Belgium Killing Civilians in Aleppo Airstrikes, Russian Ambassador Summoned

21WIRE | Unaccountability and irresponsibility has plagued the illegal US-led effort in Syria.

REVEALED: How Democratic Party pays Agit-Prop ‘Protesters’ to incite violence at Trump events

Anthony Brian Logan | An inside look at how dirty the Democratic Party can be, hiring actors to incite violence, while working on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

FOX News Anchor Shepard Smith Finally ‘Comes Out,’ Admits He’s Gay

21WIRE + The Hill | Is FOX News shifting gears and entering a brave new era of ‘liberal openness’?

“PROPHECY” PROPAGANDA: Zionist Millennialism Refuted

Jay Dyer | John Hagee: A Case in Point About Evangelical Zionist Errors.

RESCUE REDUX: Are Syria’s White Helmets ‘Recycling’ its Child Victims?

Shawn Helton | The White Helmets agitprop media machine has produced an unprecedented amount of western war propaganda.

FALSE PROFITS: The U.S. Military’s War Over Russia

21WIRE + Politico | Pentagon contractors and other bottom feeders in Washington are searching for a ‘purpose’ – and a bigger chunk of the budget.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue